February 9, 2017
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how to find buyers keywords

What are the keywords that your ideal prospects use when they are searching for the products, services and solutions you provide? Did you know that your ability to earn from your blog, has much to do with the titles and headlines you use for your content? Placing buyers keywords in your headlines can make a big difference in the amount and kinds of traffic your attract to your blog. 

People are searching Google, Yahoo and Bing each day. And, they are looking for products like the ones you're selling. It's your job to help them find you by creating content that includes the keywords they use when they are searching for your products and services. A catchy, attention getting title that speaks to the problems they are having can make all the difference.


Here's an important tip to note, when you write a blog post that wasn't apparent to me when I started blogging.  Important Tip 1: the title of your blog post becomes the headline that appears in search engine results.  As you can see in the results shown below, blog titles/headlines are interconnected to search engine results.

To illustrate, take a look at the two pictures below.  The first picture shows the search results from the Google search “how to use buyers keywords”.  When I looked at the titles/headlines available from the search, the one that says “Red Hot” caught my attention.

buyers keywords

Take a look at this article for some great ideas on buyers keywords.

Because I was looking on information regarding how to use buyers keywords, I was attracted to the search results that had the most compelling titles/headlines. These headlines were are great match and sparked my curiosity, which caused me to click on the articles.  Important Tip 2: Like most people, I scanned the headlines to determine which article met my needs.  I didn’t read the text underneath the title, I made my reading decision strictly based on the headline.

The second picture shows that the user is taken to the blog post when they click on the first title in Google's search results.  Items 1 and 2 are huge when it comes to ensuring that your blog posts are making the connection with potential customers.

Important Tip 3: To zero in on potential customers and have your content read, use buyer specific keywords.


Buyers keywords are based on the words people type into search engines when they are ready to make a purchase.  These keywords and keyword phrases are a great source of insight into their frame of mind at the time of  the search. Smart marketers are using these keywords to connect with potential customers.

Keyword searches fall into several categories based on where people are in the buying process. Some keywords expose the intent to learn or get help with something.  There are specific things that trigger cyclical searches like holidays, popular and personal events, emergencies and problems that present themselves at the worst possible time.  There are also searches that occur when people are pursuing their interests.

For example, the phrases, “How do I fix a flat tire” or “Why is the sky blue,  What is a catalytic converter?” can indicate the need to learn about an issue.  Others show interest in diagnosing an issue. For example, “Why am I losing traffic to my website” or “Reasons for migraine headaches.” Others indicate an interest in particular products that show a potential to make a purchase, like "Best pricing on "Asics Gel Nimbus running shoes" .

There's a process that most online buyers go through before they make a purchase. Smart online marketers make use of things like buyers keywords to "catch" buyers when they are in the process of either gathering information or making a purchase.​ Take a look at the diagram below for a look at a typical online buying process.

The Online Buying Process

buying process

Use lists like the ones found using our Google search “How to use buyers keywords” to come up with a basic list of keywords. These lists are a great starting point and can be used to provide great insight on how to connect with buyers. Gain even more insight when you use keywords for your specific products and services. If your products and services aren't well known you can use similar product names or product types to help potential customers find your products.

Here's a List of Buyers Keywords in Action

How many buyers keywords can you think of? Take time to work on these action items to comprise a list of great keywords you can use on your next blog post or ad. 

1. Take an hour or so this week to brainstorm keywords used by your ideal customers when they are ready to purchase your products and services.  It's a great activity to perform with your sales and marketing team or even your family and friends.  You can make it into a contest to see who can come up with the most keywords. 

2. When you brainstorm don't evaluate the words, just write down whatever comes to mind.

3. Once you have a sizable list, sort through them, evaluate and eliminate keywords that don't suit your goals.

4. Place your cheat sheets in an Avery round ring binder that you can access when you're ready to write advertising copy.  Maintain the list an a PDF or laminated the document that you can access each time you write a new blog post, product title, sales letter or advertising campaign.  Make sure to include a buyer specific keyword in all your content that will attract people who are interested in buying your products.

Keyword searches fall into several categories based on where consumers are in the buying process.  Some keywords expose buyer’s intent to learn or get help with something.  Which keywords or keyword phrases do your customers use when they are searching for your products and services?

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About the Author

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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