The Ultimate Digital Product Business eBook

First steps include checking your email and adding Making It Remotely to your safe list so that you'll receive the getting started series. This means checking your spam or promotional folders and moving our emails to your primary inbox. You can even reply and say hello! 😊

As part of this course, you'll receive several information packed emails that will help you get the most from this course. Be sure to check the Resources section at the bottom of the page, for additional information we reference in the course that will help you build a thriving business. 

You will also have a place at the bottom of each lesson that you can use to ask questions. Please be sure to provide your email address and allow at 1-2 business days for a reply to your questions. 

Learning What's Working

In our initial email series, we'll send you tips, resources and the profiles of successful business owners who are reaching their income goals (five and six figure businesses) from digital products. 

These businesses have been researched and verified to show you what's working and give you ideas you can use to start and grow your digital product business. Discovering more about these businesses can give you insight into areas that might interest you. 

You might consider visiting and following the businesses that are of interest to you. Finding successful businesses in your niche can also be a sign that you've picked a niche that has the potential to help you reach your income goals.

Please Note: If you haven't selected a niche yet, scroll down to the Resources section for a guide that shows you how to select a niche that fits your interests.

Knowing what's working can help you establish manageable, realistic income goals that might be possible with products that are different from what you're expecting.

The world of digital products is changing each day, creating opportunities to sell products that are outside the conventional products you may be thinking of offering. 

While we can't guarantee earnings, we know that half the battle in building a thriving business is implementing what you've learned and testing, measuring your results and optimizing for continuous improvement.  

Let's Get Started

This eBook is packed with information and resources you can use to build a thriving, profitable home business. Scroll down on this page to the Resources section and download your copy of the eBook and read along as you watch this video lesson. 

Starting a digital product business in your spare time is a smart way to generate extra income with a low upfront investment of cash. Digital products, like e-books, courses, worksheets, planners or graphic designs, require only your time, creativity and expertise to create. 

By leveraging resources like Etsy, Amazon, blogging and the resources outlined in the eBook for free sales platforms you can use to get started, can keep costs low while helping you reach a broad audience.

Transitioning to a self hosted platform once your business is established, like WooCommerce and Shopify will give you more control over your business and help you avoid monthly fees found on popular marketplaces. 

Starting out with an Etsy shop will give you everything you need to start selling digital products. Starting an Etsy store used to be free, but now they charge a $15 fee, which is still affordable.

Etsy gives you a popular, trusted eCommerce platform that gives you a way to showcase your products, along with a payment processing system that makes it easy for customers to pay you.

Using the links in the Resources section will allow you to list 40 products for free, which gets your business off to a great start. 

Some of the businesses we showcase in the email series have their store set up on Etsy and they're doing quite well. Others have their stores on self hosted platforms like WooCommerce and Shopify that they are thriving as well.

You can decide on the platform that works best for you at a later date. The main thing is getting your products online and selling as soon as possible. 

By focusing on a niche you are passionate about and utilizing free and affordable marketing tools, you can build a profitable full time or side hustle without the need for significant financial resources.


The Ultimate Digital Product eBook

Here's your eBook. Download it and read along as you watch the video training

How to Select a Niche for Your Business

We will help you understand how to find a niche that will help you grow your business.

Get Started with eCommerce on Etsy and Get 40 Free Listings!

We'll show you how to start an Etsy store and use our code to get 40 free listings. Etsy recently started charging a $15 fee to get started, which still keeps if affordable and allows you to get 40 free listings.

Free Canva Cheatsheet and Playlist

This free Canva Cheatsheet helps you jumpstart product creation and introduces you to a wide range of digital products you may not be aware of. It includes a playlist that's packed with how to's and tips you can use to make digital products in your spare time.

Expand Your Knowledge and Save 30%

Take your knowledge to the next level and save 30% when you take our premium course, the Digital Product Blueprint. After you've completed this course, you'll know what digital products are and how to create them in your spare time. You'll also have a variety free platforms to choose from that can be used to sell your products. Take this course and take your business further. Learn to package, price, and sell digital products and set up a sales funnel designed to generate sales helping you to earn passive income.

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