December 31, 2017
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​​Looking back, I realize that when I joined my network marketing company, I was absorbing a lot of information about a new business model, learning about new products and a new organization. I also had a lot of other things going on, that ​distracted me from giving the business my undivided attention. I had heard about and attended a few home parties and hotel meetings with friends who were involved in various businesses.

At the time I didn't know that they were network marketing events.  I can even remember my mom ​having a home party or two and that she sold jewelry and ​housewares for companies that were household brands. 

​A Look ​Beyond Home Parties ​& One on One Meetings


But the significance of home parties and hotel meetings in the industry along with a few other things, ​caught me totally off guard. And in addition to the normal chaos that accompanies starting a business, it took me a while to figure things out.  You may ​be able to relate to some of these experiences, and find answers in the solutions​ that worked for me. 

​Honestly speaking, the​ draw of building my own team, earning residual income, bonuses and some of the other perks in network marketing ​were really attractive.  I had an online business before, and I really thought ​I would ​​be able to create some of the same successes I had experienced in the old business.  The company even gave me a free website and marketing system when I joined.  I was super excited... 

Start Blogging in Two Simple Steps

I guess I should have done more research. Because, after learning how the ​people I was exposed to were ​earning income, I wasn't sure it was the right ​fit for me.  

Don't get me wrong, they were (and are) using totally legitimate ways to earn.  They just went about it in a way that I thought had gone the way of the dinosaur.  â€‹These methods work well for some, but leave a lot of people with nothing but frustration and rejection.  In fact, the people I talked to were experiencing LOTs of rejection using methods that didn't feel natural. 

I considered a lot of what I was being taught about sales and marketing to be outdated in today's tech savvy world.  It ​felt like the equivalent of going door to door...

I was ​torn between ​the sales and marketing methods I was being taught in my ​network marketing company and what I knew to be true from my former online eCommerce business.  â€‹To top it all off, I am an introverted techie girl... ​and I knew there was a better way.

​Disingenuous or Just Business?

attraction marketing

So the idea of make a list ​and calling everyone in my warm market, talking to complete strangers in the grocery line, setting up meetings to talk about my business over lunch, etc., didn't resonate with me.  To be honest, it felt ​​a little fake.

I'm not talking about being outside your comfort zone or feeling a little uncomfortable. There's nothing wrong with being outside your comfort zone, especially if it will lead you to a growth opportunity. 

In my previous work life, I spoke before groups, ran and facilitated meetings and made presentations, even though at my core I'm an introvert.  Now that's what you call getting out of your comfort zone.  Today, I can talk in front of any group big or small.  So it wasn't talking in front of people or giving presentations that bothered me.  â€‹

The thing that bothered me most was contacting lots of people (friends, neighbors, family) with the ​sole purpose ​of trying to sell them something, whether they needed it or not.  Because I needed to sell as much as possible, the pressure was also on big time, to make the sale. 

​Can You Relate?

Even if you frame it as having lunch or dinner, catching up, ​​learning about a life changing opportunity, etc., at the end of the day, you're going to feel the pressure to mention​ or give full details about your product, service, company or whatever you're doing. 

When you're in front of someone face to face or even on the phone, if they like you, it's harder for them to say no.  So even if they think what you're doing is ridiculous and they have no intention of buying anything, they will come to your meeting or event.  

They also come to the event and hear what you have to say, knowing that the only reason you got in touch ​was to sell them something... Not a good way to start things out.

​Have You Experienced Any of Th​ese Scenarios?

Social Media Strategy

​In my experience, it generally turn​ed uncomfortable at the point ​where the conversation transition​ed from ​"What have you been up to? ​How ​is the family?", to the dreaded sales pitch. You may even talk for an hour or two catching up, and everything hums along well. But once the sales ​conversation starts... one of three things happens. 

In the first scenario, your guest(s) feel obligated to buy something. This group usually consists of family, close friends and neighbors who want to support you, but really aren'​t looking for your product or service. ​Realistically speaking, they ​just aren't interested.

They will listen while keeping an eye on their cell phones or watches. They'll eat the food, enjoy the company, play the games (if applicable) and take a look at what you have to offer.  However, they have had their exit plan swirling around in their heads since they walked in the door.  

After reviewing your information, they will pick the lowest priced item ​in your catalog, say a quick goodbye and then find the ​fastest exit out of the home, restaurant or meeting facility.  

In the second scenario, ​your guest(s) will eat, drink and be merry. At the end of your presentation, they might give you an uncomfortable nod and say that they will "think about it." They may ask for a sample, a brochure or a catalog to ​take with them.  Then they will also proceed to the nearest exit as quickly as possible. 

​Playing the Numbers Game

The third scenario is more of a numbers game​ that goes like this... You sift through a number of ​NO's, to get to the people who will say ​YES​.

And it's true, after you go through​ a certain number of people in your warm contact list, chances are you'll eventually get to someone who will say yes.  They will love your products, and they ​may even be ​ ready to jump on board with your business opportunity. ​

However, when you think about it, if you've gone through a lot of NO's, that YES has likely cost you quite a bit.  If getting to yes takes a lot of time, you've likely u​tilized a lot of effort, stress (the what if I don't make a sale scenario), money (​for example, renting a room, creating or buying ​hand outs, food in the case of home parties, etc.) and most of all, you've received a lot of rejection.  So in addition to the resources​ previously mentioned, you need very thick skin. 

Granted, some of the people in scenario 1 or 2, might also decide later that they like the product they sampled or bought, and they might decided to buy ​more. 

​Anyone who is close to you, may see how the products or the company has helped you. If you start making lots of money and they can see a change in your finances, they may decide to try your business opportunity as well.  

Another possibility is that they may also tell their friends about the products if they like them.  So there may be some additional interaction and benefits from your initial meeting.

​Ah, the Uncertainty of It All!

​Do you want to build ​your home business based on a numbers game, a chance or orders that trickle in? Is it even possible to build a thriving business in this scenario? ​If you're honest, ​you'll conclude that the answer is ​a resounding NO.  

I know it's certainly not what I had in mind when I started out.  How would you ever leave your 9 to 5 ​based on those unstable scenarios?  

You need a large amount of ​​consistent ​income ​to leave the rat race, unless you have a ​another source of income that you can rely on.  

Going from person to person, ​and meeting to meeting may eventually get you to the point of leaving the rat race for good.  â€‹But you have to ask yourself is it worth it if you're never at home and you're always chasing that next sales call or meeting.

I knew that ​traveling from city to city to reach a larger audience, holding hotel meetings, ​having home parties, and making endless live presentations​ would eventually get old. Business travel and living out of hotels was what I was trying to get away from in my former work life.

​The reason I selected a home business was to be at home​.  I also wanted to have a lifestyle business that I would enjoy and work from any location.  I wasn't looking for a repeat of ​my former corporate role.  

At the same time, I was unsure of how to make things happen in my network marketing business.  So I struggled for years trying to figure out how to reconcile the two worlds. There were times when I felt like just quitting. 

Now, I'm totally not knocking old school sales and marketing methods, because they are ​how a lot of people in my organization who were making six figures.  â€‹Those folks paid their dues and put in a ​LOT of time​ and energy to get ​to where they​are.  

There is plenty of evidence th​ese methods work for a lot of people.  There are also a lot of people (including me) that they ​are not a good fit for. 

My Story Has a Happy Ending

​Unless I planned on starving, I knew that I ​had to find a way to make ​my network marketing business work ​online.  I was struggling, experimenting and not getting results​. ​ So I started looking for information and training.

​Fast forward to 2016 when I discovered the Attraction Marketing Formula boot camp and eBook. I read the eBook and learned that there ​were other options ​available for anyone who ​didn't want to ​rely totally on meeting people one on one, home parties and hotel meetings.  I felt that for the first time, I could go with what my gut was telling me all along.  I downloaded it to my Kindle (it's now on my cell phone) so that I could refer to​ it whenever I needed it. 

​​I also knew that I had found my go-to ​resource and company for step by step instructions, training, mentorship and their ready to go ​sales and marketing system that I could license and  implement in ​any business. ​

​I Found Solutions That Helped ​Me Sell and Recruit 24/7

Watch the video to learn about the many benefits of branding your ​business. ​​And get ​​access to a free boot camp that shows you how to ​attract your ideal prospects to build your network marketing business, really any business you want to promote online.

One of the greatest benefits of branding, using online systems and technology to sell and recruit is that I'm not limited to one company.  I can use the systems and the concepts I've learned, to promote any products or services that I choose.  My products and services can ​be viewed, sold and distributed to a worldwide audience 24/7.  

The best thing about using technology is that it opens a world of opportunity for everyone, whether you have an established social network or you​ have a smaller circle of friends and contacts.  

If you're technically challenged, you'll have step by step videos, live sessions and a community​ where you can ask questions.  There are also freelance communities like Upwork that have technical resources you can hire to install software and do other technical ​tasks for you. 

​​Once you get it up and running, your business can run in the background promoting, selling and recruiting for you.  Meanwhile you can attend to other matters like attending your child's activities, caring for a loved one, spending time with family and friends, ​or even ​running a hotel meeting in your local community if you would like!

I have finally found the solution that gives me ​more options and a way to build a lifestyle business.  I have more options to use both offline "old school", and online methods to build my business.  And that feels like a breath of fresh air.  

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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