July 30, 2023
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Great news about the biggest update to Thrive Apprentice in 2023: Assessments.

This new addition transforms Thrive Apprentice from a powerful online course platform into a full-featured, industry-leading Learning Management System (LMS) for WordPress.

Assessments bring an interactive learning experience to your online courses, placing course creators in control of managing and grading their student's learning.

Here are the kinds of assessments you can build using this new feature: 

1. Quiz Builder Quiz - If you have Thrive Quiz Builder installed on your site, you will be prompted to indicate which quiz you would like to use as an assessment in your course. 

2. Assessment Upload - A common practice in education is to submit an assignment as a file. It could be an image, PDF, document, slideshow, or any other file type... and this can be done with Thrive Apprentice too! The file would be uploaded via a Google Drive or Dropbox integration.

3. YouTube Link - Students can record a piece to camera, a presentation, a performance— anything, and once they've submitted it to YouTube, they can add the link in the YouTube assessment type.

4. External Link - This is the easiest and most versatile assessment type because it doesn't require Thrive Quiz Builder, doesn't need a 3rd party file hosting service like DropBox or Google Drive, and works with non-video submissions too. Students can provide a link to anything— whether it's a file on their personal Google Drive, an image they've loaded to a cloud-based gallery, their own website, etc.

This new Assessments feature will boggle your mind as you start to see what is now possible from an online course platform. Check out the complete overview to learn how to use assessments and get Thrive Apprentice for your business.

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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