September 2, 2019
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If you're a blogger, you’ve probably experienced writer's block from time to time. Writer’s block occurs when you are looking at your laptop screen and you can’t think of anything to write about. You draw a complete blank.  


If you’ve experienced this, you're not alone. It's common for people who write a lot to experience those times when they lack the motivation to write.  

However, it’s a problem that makes you really counterproductive and it’s a complete time waster, if you are depending on writing as a way to earn income.  

This blog post will show you a few tips on how to keep ideas and revenue flowing.

The first tip involves getting organized. For example, are you're blogging about random topics or do you stay within a particular niche or industry? Is there a strategy that directs what you're doing or tells you how you'll reach your goals?  When starting out, you may not know what your goals are. 


A lot of us have started blogging, just wanting to have a way to earn money without a clear idea and understanding of how we were going to make money. 

Taking time to research your niche, and identify a few key areas of focus that you are excited to talk about can help provide direction for your blog.

Creating a few goals that you want to reach in the next six months (with a time frame for reaching those goals) will give you an idea of where you're going and how to get there.  

Having a clear understanding of your blog topic, your audience, and how your blog gives them what they need will be critical to your blogging and writing success. 

My Resource List

First, check out my video Bloggers Eliminate Writer's Block For Ever! that talks about writer's block and walks you through tools that will help you organize your content in a way that sets you up for success.

This video was created by the creators of Thrive Themes, a plugin that increases your productivity enabling you to quickly create attention grabbing posts and landing pages that work to help you reach your goals. 

This video shows you how to use content patterns that work similarly to outlines. You can make a few content patterns that are unique to your business and save them as templates that you use when you are stuck on what to write.

Watch the video to learn how this technique can work for you.

Thrive Architect, from Thrive Themes is a WordPress plug in that allows writers, bloggers and web designers to create conversion based content quickly and easily.  

I created this site with Thrive Architect, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to build a professional looking site with all the functionality needed to convert visitors into customers.

Inspiration on the Go

One of the tools that I use to make sure that I always have new blog topics is Evernote.  

Evernote is an app that you can use to create text, audio, image, reminders and other visual notes that will enable you to keep ideas organized as you think of them, no matter where you're located. 

It works on cell phones, laptops or tablets.  When you run across a piece of content, if you have an idea while you're grocery shopping, or you read something that you want to look into later, take out your cell phone and snap a picture, dictate a note or snip an article that you can access later.

When you’re ready to create a blog post, you’ll have what you need to create quality content for your readers. 


When using a cell phone, the Evernote app gives you a quick and easy way to clip articles or snippets of articles for later use.  

Ideas from Your Favorites

The next tool I use to organize my content is Feedly.  Feedly is a RSS reader that allows you to organize all your favorite blog posts in one central location.

You can use Feedly to get ideas, to follow your favorite bloggers, and it’s even a place where you can find like-minded people that you might want to invite into your tribe.

I visit pretty much every day, and I clip relevant ideas and information into Evernote to be used when I'm ready to write my blog post.

Keeping Your Finger on the Pulse with Facebook Groups

The next item that I use is Facebook Groups. Facebook is a great way to find out about your audience. It’s an excellent way to find out what they’re looking for straight from the horse's mouth so to speak. 🙂 

By joining and visiting relevant groups, you can find a wealth of information that you can use in your blog.

And listening to what members are saying, for example, the items that frustrate them most, the things they are interested in, the tools they may be struggling with can help you zero in on topics you can write about. 

If you haven’t done so already, join groups in your niche, and follow those conversations, see what people are posting about, and jot down notes on any problem areas, frustrations, fears, and general information that you can use to appeal to your target audience.  

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Get the Big Picture with Calendars

Another can't do without tool for organizing blog topics is the editorial calendar.  If you haven’t downloaded it yet, head over and download the Editorial Calendar plug-in from WordPress.

It’s totally free and an absolute lifesaver when it comes to helping you stay on track.  You can lay out your posts in a 30 day calendar view, drag and drop to change publish dates and more. Watch my video to see how it works. 

I also use a Plan Ahead Calendar and stickers to plan out my blog posts, incorporating my blogging schedule into my other business activities. This helps me to see the big picture when it comes to my business.  

I can refer back to things that have worked to grow my business, as well as things that have not worked. 

Having an editorial and printed calendar that is dedicated to my business has helped me stay on track and experience more success than any other tool.  If you have a lot of tools, with no plan or strategy for using them, they are just a bunch of random tools with no purpose. 

Get Organized with this Blog Planner

If you’re considering using a printed calendar, here is a link to my Amazon page where you can get planners and other items that are designed specifically for moms and bloggers.

I hope I've given you some ideas that you can use.  And if you like the information you have received please subscribe or reach out on social media.

See How I Created This Blog Post in 20 Minutes Using Thrive Architect

Up Your Blogging Game with This Conversion Focused Tool

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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