December 30, 2023
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If you're looking for a fast and easy way to receive payments without a shop, create payment buttons that you can place on your site and use on social media. You no longer have to wait until you have a shop to start getting paid. 

Don't delay your ability to earn online if you haven't gotten around to setting up a full e-commerce website. This tutorial will show you how to create payment buttons using PayPal and Stripe.

This makes it possible to start taking payments as soon as possible with a quick and easy process.

Step by Step Video Instructions: How to Create Payment Buttons for Stripe

Here's a video that outlines step-by-step instructions on how to set up a PayPal payment link.

Create Payment Buttons and Receive Several Key Advantages

There are several advantages to creating payment buttons: 

Quick and Easy Transactions

Payment buttons allow for quick and hassle-free transactions. You can send these links directly to your clients, making it easy for them to make payments without navigating through an entire eCommerce website.


Payment buttons provide flexibility in accepting payments for various products or services. Whether you're selling digital products, services, or physical items like jewelry, you can create payment buttons for each, tailoring the process to your needs.

Reduced Overhead

Without the need for a full eCommerce platform, you can save on the costs associated with setting up and maintaining an online store. This is particularly advantageous for small businesses or individuals just starting.


Payment buttons can enhance the professionalism of your business. Instead of relying on informal methods of payment, sending a payment link adds a level of formality and legitimacy to your transactions.

Integration with Websites and Social Media

While you may not have a full eCommerce shop, you can still integrate payment links into your website or social media platforms. This allows you to leverage your online presence effectively.

Streamlined Checkout Process

Payment buttons offer a streamlined checkout process. Customers can click the link, enter their payment information, and complete the transaction, reducing the likelihood of abandoned carts that can occur in more complex checkout processes.

Global Reach

PayPal and Stripe support international transactions, allowing you to reach a global audience. This is beneficial for entrepreneurs looking to expand their customer base beyond local markets.


Both PayPal and Stripe are known for their secure payment processing. Using their payment links provides a secure method for your customers to make payments, building trust in your business.

Analytic and Reporting

You can track transactions and gather insights into your sales through the analytics and reporting features provided by PayPal and Stripe. This data can be valuable for making informed business decisions.

Five Ways to Use Payment Buttons to Make It Easy to Get Paid

Payment buttons can offer unique advantages in various situations, especially for businesses focused on online sales.

Here are five places where creating payment buttons can give your business a distinct advantage over traditional in-store checkout experiences:

  1. On Social Media Platforms:

    • Advantage: Seamless transactions within social media platforms.
    • Explanation: You can leverage payment buttons on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to facilitate direct transactions.

      Customers can make purchases without leaving their social media feed, enhancing the impulse buying experience.
  2. In Your Email Campaigns and Newsletters:

    • Advantage: Direct purchasing from promotional emails.
    • Explanation: Create payment buttons and include them in your email campaigns to allow potential customers to make purchases directly from your email.

      This streamlined process reduces friction and increases the likelihood of converting leads into sales.
  3. On Website Landing and Thank You Pages:

    • Advantage: Simplified checkout on dedicated landing and thank you pages.
    • Explanation: Instead of navigating through an entire eCommerce website, customers can be directed to specific landing and thank you pages with payment buttons for particular products or services.

      This focused approach can lead to higher conversion rates.
  4. With Webinars and Online Events:

    • Advantage: Instant payments during live events.
    • Explanation: For businesses conducting webinars or online events, payment buttons enable participants to make purchases immediately.

      This can be advantageous for selling products or services showcased during the event, capitalizing on the audience's engagement.
  5. During Collaborations with Influencers or Partners:

    • Advantage: Direct sales through collaborations.
    • Explanation: If you collaborate with influencers, partners, or affiliates, payment buttons can be embedded in their content or shared directly.

      This allows for seamless transactions, making it easy for their audience to purchase promoted products or services without leaving the influencer's platform.

In these scenarios, payment buttons offer a convenient and efficient way for customers to complete transactions without the need for a traditional in-store checkout experience.

This aligns well with the goal of helping business owners build thriving online businesses, especially when targeting specific channels or events.

create payment buttons

Step by Step Video Instructions: How to Create Payment Buttons for PayPal

PayPal Buy Now Buttons Make Shopping Easy

Customize your product and thank you pages by including a PayPal Buy Now button, and embedding the payment link into your website. 

Get all the tips you need to quickly and easily create payment buttons that are easy to implement and will be successful in helping you reach your income goals.

Gain the tools you need to start taking payments for your products right away. Create a secure and convenient payment button in no time and start earning. Take the hassle out of setting up a shop and start receiving payments today.

Watch the video above now to lay the groundwork for a successful product launch and start receiving payments without a shop. Learn how to create a payment link using PayPal and Stripe so you can start taking payments today.

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About the Author

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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