August 21, 2022
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The best business resource available isn't a gadget, a course or a freebie. It's a resource that enables you to excel at planning and organizing.  Because an organized business gets much more done in less time and is more likely to reach their income goals.

When you're organized, you can truly shine, because you're not spending time trying to find things, wondering what to say or how to get things done. You already know.  You can face the day prepared. 

Improve Your Work Life Balance

Ensure that you’re doing what you’re supposed to at the right time to reach your home and business goals.

We'll show you how to take your business from disorganized and chaotic to having everything in it's place, organized and flourishing!

This frees you up to do the things you're in business to do. Whether you're a housewife, a mom, a teacher or course creator, a student, or a creative business owner, you need to be organized and ready to face each day. 

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Grab Those Scattered Pieces of Paper

One of the things that can keep you stuck is that the information you need to be successful is scattered all over the place. It's located in the training courses you've taken, on one device or another, on scraps of paper, various notebooks and more. 

One of the best tools for getting organized is the planner. Planners come in lots of sizes, colors and inserts for every needs, whether it's home. your business, work, hobbies and more. 

The TUL Binder Covers shown in the picture are available in a number of colors and sizes. 

The Advantages of Using a Printable Planner

Its easier to find planners with calendars in daily, weekly and monthly formats. But if you're working a home business, or in certain industries, you may need a place to log, track and manage more than just your schedule.

You might want to track things related to your products and services. Things like suppliers, marketing campaigns, business related income and expenses, social media and more.

  • No need to wait until new calendars are printed each year. Use your undated planning pages, no matter where you are in the year.
  • Print only the pages you need and start from where you are. 
  • Niche specific planning sheets work to fit your needs.
  • Stay consistent with a plan that gives you direction and puts you in charge.
  • Learn from your experiences and make changes when needed.

Watch This Video for More Information

Getting the Most from a Printable Planner

Printable planners are customized planners that go beyond the calendars that you buy at various retail stores. These planners have planning pages that are focused on content, social media, and campaigns, in addition to classic calendar formats that help you reach your goals much faster.

  • Start by outlining your top income generating activities and make sure to schedule time to perform those tasks on a regular basis. 
  • Next, use your sales and marketing system established that bring in new people, potential customers to your business? You want to make sure to schedule time and outline the tasks that will ensure that you keep a pipeline of people coming in the door. 
  • And finally, are you following up with people who become leads and customers, which the same as building your list? If so those follow up tasks also need a place in your planner.
  • Next, taking those pieces of separate, scattered data that you use each day on various devices, on paper, training or tidbits (tips) that enlighten and motivate you as well as some conversations need a home, a central place to reside. Your planner is a good place to put those thoughts, links, schedules, and plans so they can be used later.

Getting organized involves categorizing data or scattered information so that it makes sense. Those pieces of data can be organized into useful information that helps you grow your business.

  • Define your business goals
  • Prioritize your tasks needed to accomplish those goals
  • Select the pages you need, especially those that will help you generate more income.
  • Print them out using your home printer as needed.
  • Alternatively, send your pages to the printer and have printed in color and bound.
  • Use a discbound system to keep your business organized.
  • Use your planner each and every day, consistently.
  • More ideas on our planner ideas page

Discbound Planning Systems

Discbound planners as the name says, uses discs to hold them together. The discs come in various sizes and colors. The size of the disc determines how many sheets the planner can accommodate. The larger the disc, the more pages it can hold. 

Using these planning systems combined with printable planners like the one shown above, makes it easy to build a planner that works for you instead of the other way around. Take a look at our printable planners and prioritize the areas you want to work on to reach your goals.

These planners can provide flexibility, providing you with a roadmap that helps you take consistent action that works to move your business forward. 

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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