Starting a Business Doesn't Have to Be Hard or Break the Bank

And the great thing is that the possibilities are endless, no matter where you are in your journey. We'll help you find the business that works best for you. 

Take the First Step

Attend our free small business workshop and learn to boost the income from your creative business! Craft your way to passive income!

Think Blogging is Dead? Discover What Having One Can Do for Your Business

A blog is more than a collection of articles... it establishes you as an authority in your niche and does the heavy lifting by showcasing your products and services. They work as your silent salesperson, explaining who you are, what you do and how you help your ideal customers. They also generate leads, sell products, help you test ideas and follow up with new and existing customers, all on auto-pilot when using the right tools. 

Blogs Explain and Sell

Answering questions, handling objections and making the sale.

Blogs Generate Leads

By turning visitors into leads that you can follow up with. 

Don't Have a Product in Mind? Start with Affiliate Marketing!

Course: The Beginner's Guide to Affiliate Marketing

Price: $27.00

  • Lesson 01
  • Lesson 02
  • Lesson 03

Partner with Popular Brands

Choose brands you use and trust to help your target audience reach their goals at work and home.

No Inventory to Maintain

You don't have to worry about maintaining an inventory of products that may never sell. 

No Customer Service Hassles

As an affiliate you don't have to handle talking to customers, product exchanges and returns or pricing issues, 

Earn Commissions

The motivator that gets you to promote products for the brands you love.. The bigger the deal the larger the commission. 

Create Digital Products in Your Spare Time

The digital product business model gives creative entrepreneurs the opportunity to earn money from products they create. That gives the business owner control over the creative process including the pricing and sales process.

Solution based products like e-books, courses, video and audio media and digital downloads, allow aspiring business owners to earn by sharing their expertise to attract a wide audience, and build a sustainable, profitable business. If using your creativity to earn sounds interesting, click the button below to learn more. 

Protecting Your Assets: Making It Legal

Think it costs an arm and a leg to register your business? If you're just starting out, read our article on forming an LLC and consider using affordable services designed to help you protect your assets.  Set up your business based on the laws of your state and locality. Minimize your risk and let the experts file the appropriate paperwork to get your business off to a great start. 

Get Started With Our Free Workshop!

If you're not sure how to get started,  start with our free Craft Your Way to Passive Income by providing the information below. Once your training is complete, get regular updates, business building tips, resources, and tools you can use to grow.
