Tired of Relying on Craft Shows and Costly Marketplaces to Sell Your Products?

Build Online Assets That Help You Earn Around the Clock!

Continue taking time to create the items you love while earning from an additional stream of income. Sign up below and receive free weekly training and resources you need to start building. 

If You're Ready to Make a Change...

If you're a small business owner or creative entrepreneur, chances are you've relied on craft shows and vendor fairs to sell your products. 

And if you're anything like me, you've probably spent countless hours behind a booth, hoping to make enough sales to justify your time and investment. But as we all know, the reality is often far from ideal.

In fact, according to a recent survey, only 25% of vendors reported making a profit at these events. So why do we continue to rely on them? Sign up for training and practical tips and strategies, to help you break free from the exhausting cycle of craft shows and vendor fairs.

Get ready to say goodbye to the traditional model and hello to a better way to sell your products. So sit back, grab a pen and paper, and let's dive in.

Wouldn't it be great to never have to worry about renting table space, lugging around displays, inventory, booth signage, paying for parking, lodging, shopping bags and packaging again unless it's something that's enjoyable to you... and profitable. 

Don't waste your day talking to people who browse your products, but never buy. Don't waste hundreds of dollars on shows that don't pay off. 

If you are attending shows that are working, it's still a good idea to give yourself other options.

Sign up for our tips and resources to start selling your items from a platform you control.  Get started with free weekly training to change your business for the better.

Just "Being Online" is Not Enough

If you have marketplace listings, that's great. However you may find that a presence alone is not enough to grow a thriving online business. 

Having listings on popular platforms like Etsy is a great first step that has the potential to get your items in front of a larger audience. but traffic and views are not guaranteed.

On these platforms, there is much more competition and an unfortunate diluting of your unique brand.

It's hard to stand out from the crowd when users can shop your listings with multiple competitors on the same page. You become a commodity instead of a trusted resource. Many crafters and makers are finding that it's hard to earn consistently in this environment.

You are also limited to the rules of the marketplace.  If you don't follow the rules (or it's perceived that you haven't followed the rules), these companies can shut your shop down.

That means all your hard work goes down the drain, unless you have another platform that you own and control. Our free training and courses can help you create a platform that you own and control, giving you the ability to set things up in a way that allows you to earn 24/7. 

Making headway in popular marketplaces can be positive as well as frustrating. And while it's always a good idea to have your products in as many places as possible, its not good to place all your eggs in baskets that someone else owns and controls.

A Platform That Allows You To Earn 24/7

Build a new income stream with a platform that allows you to earn passively, while you focus on other things. Here's what a WordPress site can do, allowing you to earn, even when you're focused on other aspects of your life and business. 

  • Audience Attraction
  • Lead Generation
  • Shopping
  • Testimonials
  • Testing
  • Courses/Education
  • Follow Up
  • Payment Processing
  • Surveys and Quizzes
  • Automation

If you don't have a website, you can build a WordPress site or quick and easy solutions that tells potential customers who you are, what you do and how you can help them. Your platform can serve as a central hub that invites them to take a look at your shop, whether it's your own shop or one that you've set up on platforms like Etsy. 

Our templates also work to help you promote affiliate products and services you may offer on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. 

Imagine Your Products Here, Earning for Your Business Whether You're Present or Not

Set Your Creative Business Up to Earn Even When You're Not Physically Present

  • Imagine earning money even while you're at in person events, working on other projects or hanging out with the people who matter most. 
  • We'll show you how to set up a central online location that you can use to direct people you meet, including show traffic, and visitors to your marketplace listings. You'll have a place where visitors can learn more, sign up for your list or make a purchase. 
  • Set up your business so that you can attract, convert and retain customers, answer questions, process payments and deliver products 24/7, the essence of passive income.
  • Setting up your business online will enable you to collect data that helps you make better business decisions.
  • With a passive income system in place, you'll have the ability to engage and nurture an audience of loyal customers who look to you for solutions, and buy from you again and again. 
  • Get more done in less time, and stay focused on the areas of your business that will help you start earning as quickly as possible.

Scarcity Campaigns

Promote Customer Loyalty and Repeat Business

Flash sales, discounts, and deals are powerful tools for handmade entrepreneurs to cultivate customer loyalty and encourage repeat business. By offering limited-time promotions, artisans can create a sense of urgency and excitement, prompting customers to make quick purchasing decisions.

These special offers not only attract new buyers but also reward loyal patrons, making them feel valued and appreciated. This strategy builds a strong emotional connection, enhancing customer satisfaction and trust.

Moreover, customers who take advantage of these deals are likely to return, anticipating future sales and sharing their positive experiences with others, thereby fostering a loyal and expanding customer base.

We'll Build a WordPress Site for You

Here are the packages we offer for building a site or store for you. These prices don't include your domain, hosting, themes or any additional plug ins you might need. To schedule a free consultation for a quote, complete our brief survey and schedule a call at a time that is convenient.

Sell More of Your Handmade Items!

Use a tool that allows you to attract more of the right people to your business on auto-pilot. We'll show you how easy it is to build a profitable business using your free social media accounts without breaking the bank! 
