December 30, 2023
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This article is about how to use your thank you page to grow your business. This commonly overlooked page can be used in a number of ways as part of a positive customer journey and presents a great opportunity.  And as you'll see, there's much more to a simple thank you page than meets the eye.

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The Power of Gratitude and a Simple Thank You

As business owners, it's important to frequently express gratitude for the positive interactions that occur each day and people who make them happen. That includes our family members, employees, visitors, leads and customers.

It's a lot easier to increase loyalty and goodwill when you make your customers (and employees for that matter) feel appreciated and acknowledged.

Because of that, a thank you page is a valuable asset in your online business strategy, providing an opportunity to engage with your audience, creating goodwill and encourage further interaction.

How to Use Your Thank You Page to Grow

Here are ten+ ways you can use a thank you page to grow your business:

To Express Your Gratitude

  • Use your thank you page to genuinely express gratitude for the customer's purchase or action.

    A sincere thank you can enhance the customer experience and build a positive relationship.

    If you're shipping physical products, be sure to include a thank you postcard in your packaging. 

Encourage Social Sharing

  • Include social sharing buttons on your thank you page to encourage customers to share their recent purchase or action on social media.

    This can help increase brand visibility and attract new customers through word-of-mouth referrals.

Provide an Invite to Your Community

  • Include an invitation on your thank you page to join your social media community for support, networking and exclusive deals, training or other benefits. 

    This keeps your relationship going and shows that you will be there to answer questions and add value which in turn increases customer retention.

Offer Exclusive Discounts

  • Provide an exclusive discount or special offer on your thank you page. This can incentivize customers to make additional purchases or take advantage of other services, promoting upsells and cross-sells.

    Create payment buttons to make it easy for potential customers to buy. 

Promote Newsletter Sign-ups

  • Invite customers to subscribe to your newsletter or join your mailing list for updates, exclusive offers, and valuable content.

    This helps you build a direct line of communication with your audience, nurturing long-term relationships.

Showcase Related Products or Services

  • Display related products or services on the thank you page based on the customer's recent purchase.

    This personalized approach can lead to additional sales by suggesting complementary items that may be of interest.

Where Relevant Include a Thank You Postcard

If you're shipping physical products, don't forget to say thank you with a simple postcard. Here are some done for you Canva postcard templates you can use.

Add your details using a free Canva account and send them out via email or have them printed and include them in your product packaging. Check out more ideas on how to use thank you postcards.

Share Valuable Content

  • Offer valuable content on your thank you page, like informative articles, guides, or video tutorials related to the customer's purchase.

    This not only adds value but also positions your brand as an authority in your niche.

Provide an Invite to Join a Loyalty Program

  • If you have a loyalty program, invite customers to join and earn rewards.

    Loyalty programs can increase customer retention and encourage repeat business.

Provide Downloadable Resources

  • If applicable, offer downloadable resources like ebooks, templates, or guides related to the customer's purchase.

    This adds extra value and keeps the customer engaged with your brand.

Include a Call-to-Action (CTA)

  • End the thank you page with a clear and compelling call-to-action.

    Whether it's directing customers to explore more products, follow you on social media, or participate in a survey, guide them toward the next step you want them to take.

By strategically utilizing your thank you page, you can turn a simple acknowledgment into an opportunity for customer retention, additional sales, and overall business growth.

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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