April 6, 2021
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Are you a real estate agent who is looking for a way to generate more leads and sales? If so, this article can provide you with some of the ways realtors can generate leads using technology to grow their client base.  

We'll talk about how technology can help with many of the problems facing agents. You'll learn to use tech to be more productive.

You'll also learn how using automation and systems can set you apart from all the other agents. Get the edge on agents who are relying on generic listing apps and manual procedures.


How Realtors Are Paid

Real estate agents are generally paid a commission that is based on a percentage of the sale price of homes they place on the market. 

There are a number of factors that can influence whether an agent will have a good or bad year. For example, if they are in a city with a booming economy, lots of properties for sale and low interest rates, they stand a great chance of having a good year.

Income for realtors can have peaks and valleys depending on a number of factors. So if you're looking for a steady paycheck it may not happen. Some are very good at sales and others, for whatever reason are not as prosperous.

If this is your chosen profession, there has to be a way to balance out your income during those lean times that inevitably happen.

But even under the best scenario, there are challenges that plague many agents, especially those that are new to sales. We'll talk about a few of these challenges.

Things Are Booming for Some Agents

If you're an agent in a housing market that is growing and thriving, you're probably looking forward to warmer weather when people are thinking more about buying and selling a home.  

If there is enough inventory of properties, everyone is working and stable, agents can earn a significant income.

With low interest rates and homes that are appreciating, the market is pretty good for agents in major metropolitan areas. 

Agents who have been able to embrace technology to generate leads and sales. 

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For Other Agents, Not So Much

If an agent puts time into a property that doesn't sell, they don't get paid, so time is wasted.

If there are economic conditions in the community that work to depress the housing market, their income can be affected. 

The local job market can impact an agent's income because without stable employment, it's hard for potential clients to qualify for financing. So there might be a limited inventory of qualified buyers and sellers in their local market that are ready and able to buy or sell a home. 

How Realtors Use Tech to Generate More Leads and Sales

An important factor in helping realtors generate more business is the internet. Specific online tools include social media, automation and systems to locate qualified buyers and convert them into customers.

Using these tools to boost interactions with qualified buyers and sellers can mean the difference between doing well or not.

How Tech Tools Can Provide a Boost for Agents

One of the best things the internet provides to sales professionals (in all industries) is the ability to build an audience and sort through those who have a marginal interest versus highly interested, highly qualified clients. 

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Tech tools can help real estate agents expand their network. The internet and social media makes it much easier for realtors to reach an audience of people who are in the market. If they are not in the market they may know someone who is in the market. 

It also makes it easy for current and prospective clients to share your information, expanding the network of people you can talk to.

Referrals can be the lifeblood of any sales agency. That means referrals from clients, potential clients and local business owners. 

Yes, Other Business Owners Can Boost an Agent's Sales

How you ask? Because business owners can be a major source of referrals.  If you partner with local businesses that compliment what you do they will be happy to provide a referral. You can reciprocate by using an online platform to interview and mention local business owners.

Once you create a relationship with local business owners I will venture to say that you will see your referrals and client list increase. 

Use your online platform to position yourself as an expert on the home buying and selling process and on the neighborhoods and communities you serve. 

Use tech to create a series that educates your audience on the advantages of utilizing your expertise early in the buying and selling process.

Let them know why they should work with you. Showcase what you bring to the table in helping them reach their goals. 

Using tech tools and staying on top of changes in platforms and social media updates can give your business the edge. Utilizing automation and systems can also help you get more done in less time. 

Technology Every Agent Needs

Of all the online tools available, the one that everysales professional needs, is a list. However, most business owners fall into one or more of these categories: (1) they don't have a list at all, (2) they don't nurture the list they have and (3) they think lists are useless. 

However, if you're not building a list, you are definitely leaving money on the table. Every agent needs a place to send clients that generates leads that can be turned into sales. 

Automation and systems can be set up to sift through interested prospect to make it so that you only talk to people who are able and interested in working with you.

A blog, landing page or other online platform, (when used correctly) can be used to build your list capturing contact information and showcasing your talents as an agent.

Landing pages can even be monetized with complimentary products and services your clients can use. 

These platforms can help you build a large audience of qualified leads and sales. A list can become areal business asset that you own and control.

Putting the Pieces Together

Your list works together with a number of other elements (in addition to the ones previously mentioned) like SEO, social media and your target audience.  

These are the elements that work behind the scenes, making connections and building relationships.

Once you have all the pieces fitting together, you can overcome many of the non-tech obstacles that are limiting your ability to grow. 

For information on how to use technology to build your real estate business, click the "Learn More" button in the image below. If you would like to receive a free quote or more information, enter your contact information.

A Landing Page for You

Generating leads and sales is important for real estate pros. Having a page that fosters regular conversations with your audience is key to your success.

Click the button below to review a landing page that can be modified to suit your business.

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About the Author

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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