March 27, 2022
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This tutorial will show you how to make money on YouTube without wasting time spinning your wheels with tricks and gimmicks. 

Traffic is the one thing all online marketers need... and it's one of the hardest things for new entrepreneurs to get. Without it, you really won't have much of a business. You've probably heard that YouTube, the second largest search engine on the planet is a great way to get traffic. But the big question is how do you get that traffic in a profitable, consistent way that will help you grow your business? 

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We'll show you the best ways make money on YouTube that will translate to more exposure, traffic, leads and sales.

You'll receive tips on ranking YouTube videos that are capable of sending you tons of targeted traffic without expensive equipment and wasting tons of hours online. 

The first step involves choosing and understanding your niche and starting a YouTube Channel. Here are a few more items to think about before getting started that will set your channel on a solid foundation. 

First, read this article that will provide several great tips and starting points. Then purchase and listen to an audiobook called YouTube Secrets, ($12.99 Audible or $4.99 on Kindle as of today) available on Amazon. 

This audiobook is recommended because it's easier to listen while you do other things. You can listen during your commute, while working out at the gym, doing housework, etc. If you love to read and you have time that you can sit down and absorb the information, you can save with the Kindle book.

No matter how you get the information, know that this book is packed with information that will change the way you think about making videos.

It will also help you build your YouTube channel on a solid foundation by understanding how YouTube works and how you can use it to your advantage. 

The Best Ways to Make Money on YouTube

The methods below can be used to make money on YouTube. But there is more to the story. 

  • Create Courses
  • Promote Affiliate Offers
  • Promote Products You Create
  • Build Relationships with Brands
  • Sell Print on Demand Products
  • Sell Freelance Services
  • Start and Grow an Email List
  • Join the YouTube Partner Program

One of the reasons people are not getting as much traffic as they would like from YouTube is that lots of entrepreneurs are not clear on how YouTube works.

Many of us have been intimidated by the requirements for Adsense ads and the YouTube Partner Program because of the number of subscribers you need in order to quality.  

And that's where the recommended book comes in, to explain how YouTube works and how you can maximize the algorithm to grow your business.

Requirements for the YouTube Partner Program

To start earning money directly from YouTube, creators must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past year. Once creators reach that threshold, they can apply for YouTube's Partner Program.

Once they are accepted they can start monetizing their channels through ads, subscriptions, and channel memberships.

According to an article on Business Insider, the most common way creators earn money directly from YouTube is through Google-placed ads.  While many YouTubers make money with AdSense, it's a common misconception that AdSense is the only want to make money on YouTube.

There are a lot of additional ways (like the methods above) to earn on YouTube. The idea that you can only earn from AdSense causes a lot of confusion among entrepreneurs who don't have the required number of subscribers.

Many entrepreneurs takes one look at brands that have thousands and millions of subscribers and they think they don't stand a chance.

What many entrepreneurs don't realize is that they can use the six other methods listed above to earn passive income in a consistent way. Use these methods with the ranking tips mentioned below. These methods are also detailed in the recommended audiobook.

How to Optimize Your Videos So That They Rank on Google as Well as YouTube

Ranking your videos will bring in more traffic not only on YouTube, but on Google as well.  It's not enough to start cranking out videos about random topics X,Y and Z with no direction.  

Think of your YouTube videos the same way you would think of a blog post. To be effective in helping your audience and in helping you reach your goals, they need structure. 

In order for your channel to attract the audience you want, you have to incorporate a cohesive theme, consistency and patience. You should also create a strategy and goals for your channel.

And last but not least, you'll need to understand how to optimize your videos so that they not only rank on YouTube, but on Google as well.  Here are some tips that along with the strategies detailed in the book, will help you optimize and rank your videos.

  • Choose a targeted, (versus a broad or general) niche and clear theme for your channel.
  • For each video, spend time researching keywords for your topic and be sure your topic is profitable.
  • Include those keywords in your title, thumbnail, description and filename before you publish your video.
  • Include those keywords (say them) in the content of your video.
  • Set up an email auto-responder that allows you to collect email addresses. 
  • Create branded thumbnails that attract people in your niche to stop the scroll and motivates them to click.
  • Check captions (they're automatically generated by YouTube) and make sure they reference the text and keywords you used during your videos. Make corrections to grammar and spelling.
  • Position your channel to be profitable
  • Regularly review your video analytics for click through rate (CTR) and average view duration (AVD)
  • Set goals for your channel and keep a diary that outlines what is working as well as what's not working
  • Promote your videos and if you have a blog, include them in your blog posts where appropriate.
  • At the end of each piece of content, include a call to action that invites your audience to join your email list.  

Create a "next step" that your subscribers can take (from your channel, on your blog and podcast) that enables your brand to build a relationship with them. Create an offer that resonates with your audience. To learn how to get your first 1000 subscribers, take a free course from Thrive Themes. 

Create funnels that include includes quizzes, sales, thank you, and landing pages.  and content that educates and informs readers about your business. A/B Test your funnels to see which ones convert the best.  Send users to your best funnels to automate passive income.

FREE Course: How to Set Up a Complete List Building Funnel

This course will walk you through step by step. Simply follow along and you’ll have a complete list building funnel set up in no time!

Promoting Your Videos to Make Money on YouTube

Use your social media channels to promote your videos. Automate your posts using tools like Tailwind (Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest). 

To make money on YouTube, don't only post videos. Have sales, offer discounts, run contests and challenges to motivate your audience to take action.

Be sure to provide a way for your audience to take action by putting next steps and a call to action in the description of your videos, using keywords. 

Put your logo and other designs on apparel using print on demand services and promote them on YouTube 

Promote your courses, print on demand products, products you made, affiliate offers, services etc., using videos and be sure to include a call to action that includes signing up to join your email list, after creating each video.

Form partnerships with other business owners and cross promote their content. Choose businesses that compliment your business. As your channel grows you will be positioned to form partnerships with brands to promote their products as well. 

The possibilities are endless when you follow the concepts outlined in the book and use the tips and resources on this page. 


  • Canva - use this graphic design tool to create YouTube thumbnails that will attract your ideal audience and motivate them to click. 
  • Recommended Audiobook: YouTube Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Following and Making Money as a Video Influencer
  • TubeBuddy - a Chrome extension that provides YouTube specific SEO and keyword analysis tools. 
  • Thrive Suite - an all in one sales and marketing tool for WordPress. This tool has blogging, A/B testing and course creation tools, lead generation, opt in forms, funnel builders, landing and sales pages, automation and more to help you build an online sales and marketing system that delivers. We used it to build this site.

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We're helping creative business owners go from stuck and confused to empowered and thriving one video at a time.  

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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