December 28, 2023
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As 2023 comes to a close, it presents the perfect time to reflect on the year and talk about managing distractions and limiting beliefs that can stand in the way of your growth as a business owner. 

Contrary to popular belief, some of the biggest issues business owners face are not due to failure or a lack of tools and resources. The biggest issues are related to Getting started and overcoming distractions that happen each day.

We frequently see and hear the phrase, "life happens!" And while that's true, it can be easy to just throw your hands in the air and say, oh well!

If you've been tempted to do this or this sounds like you, this article is a must read.  Because distractions, a lack of focus and time, and failure to implement are the biggest reasons a lot of businesses fail and lose money each year.

Struggles, Challenges and Issues... Oh, My!

The distractions in this article can seem insignificant, but over time they can really add up. One hour leads to 24, 24 hours leads to a week, a week turns into a month... you get where I'm going with this. 

Without awareness and a plan that helps you overcome and manage distractions of all kinds, having a successful business can be something you chase for years without success.

Improve Your Work Life Balance

Ensure that you’re doing what you’re supposed to at the right time to reach your home and business goals.

If you want to defeat the odds, you can't give up or use these issues as an excuse for throwing in the towel, and not reaching your goals. 

It's important to be aware and have a plan that helps you manage distractions, to move ahead in reaching your income goals.

Listen to Time Management Titles on Audible

We know you're short on time! Listen to one or more of these Audible titles and gain control of your time. Refine your approach to business tasks, solving problems efficiently, and ultimately achieving your income goals.

It's Not If You'll Have Distractions, It's When...

Here are the big distractions that can work to sabotage your progress. You may think about others as you read through the list. 

The goal is to identify the distractions that affect your ability to be productive and move ahead.

Next, create a plan to remove the distraction or get it under control so that you can move ahead in planning, organizing and building your dream business.

Work and School Distractions

If you're currently working a full or part time job, we’ll assume that working is a requirement that keeps the lights on. If that's the case, you can’t reduce or eliminate your job to gain hours you can use to work on your business. 

You may also be a student that has to devote time to attending class, working part time, and studying that takes up a large part of your day.

Suggestions: If you can't afford to reduce your hours, or leave a job that eats up time and takes you away from your goals, it's important to find an hour or more in your day to work on your business. 

If you can, find a continuous block of time, that would be optimal. If not, devote small chunks of time to working on your business. For example, take an hour before or after work to work on your business. 

If you have a small block of time, (an hour or less) make it count by pre-planning what you'll work on. Be sure to have supplies, resources and tools needed to make the most of your time. Pre-planning could include using your lunch break to write down 3-5 things you plan to accomplish each day and focus your working hour to implementing your plan. 

Purchase our business planner, grab a notepad or use a theme book to create a daily task list that includes the steps needed to move you closer to planning, launching and running your online business.

It's also important to use a business planning system like our Ultimate Printable Business Planner to set a foundation that you can use with your daily planning tools to stay organized and focused.

Family Distractions

You may have family or household responsibilities that take you away from building your dream business. These responsibilities are required to keep your home safe, stable and organized.

Suggestions: There may be things in your daily schedule that you can juggle or delegate while you work on building your business. For example, determine whether you can get help from other family members to take over certain tasks for an hour or two on specific dates, giving you time to work on your business.  

Examples include delegating household chores, handing off errands and grocery runs to another family member, taking an hour to work on your business before you start your day, during the mid day or before you end the day.

If you have kids or a family member you care for, squeeze out an hour or two while they are in school, occupied with other activities, sleeping to build your business.  

Get your thoughts, ideas, priorities and actions organized with a
business  planner, grab a notepad or even a simple theme book and create a daily task list so that you can stay organized and focused.

Take 15 minutes of quiet time to write out 3-5 things you plan to accomplish each day. Then focus the hour you work on your business to implement your plan. 

Temporary Distractions

Temporary distractions can eat away a LOT of time... Things like watching TV, sitting/lounging around, shopping, talking on the phone, meeting, hanging out or Facetiming with friends, surfing online or pursuing a hobby.  These are nice things to do in moderation, but they don't put any money in your pocket. 

If earning from an online business is in your future, tally up the time you're spending hanging out, watching TV or surfing online.

When you review the time, it may amaze you at how much time you actually spend on these pursuits that could be devoted to building something that could put money in your pocket. 

Another example might be related to your work situation. If you’re not working due to an unexpected lay off or termination, you may be in a state of panic that distracts you from your normal routine. While you might think this is an excellent time to start an online business, believe me... it's not.

If this is your current situation, you need a plan that keeps the lights on, and gets you back to a normal routine that doesn't cause you to be panicked. Panicked minds don't make the best decisions.

This is an urgent, but temporary distraction. Business owners frequently face these kinds of distractions that can hinder or delay their progress. But the goal is to prioritize putting the fire out and then resume working on your business goals.

If you've
lost your primary source of income you will need a way to keep the lights on and put food on the table. Read our article on How to Rebound When You've Lost Your Primary Source of Income.  Don't think that starting a business is an option that will immediately take the place of a full time job.

Building a business from scratch is a goal that has the potential to replace a full time job, but it takes time and focus.  It's not something you can throw up today and expect to start making money tomorrow.

If you need money right away, you may be able to apply for unemployment, or find a remote job that you can perform to earn regular income until a permanent position materializes.  

Suggestions: The first goal is to stop the bleeding, so focus totally on finding a new job. Until you can stop the bleeding, starting a business will not be the best path.

If after working on your job search, you are able to calm down and squeeze out time to focus on a business, here are a few ideas that might work to help you.

Take an hour before or after you've done your job search activities and interviews to work on your business. Get a planner, notepad or theme book and create a daily task list so that you can stay organized and focused. These organizational tools may help with your job search as well.

A Limited Number of Distractions

You’re not working, studying or fully occupied during the day. You also have support that keeps the lights on, and you don't have a ton of responsibilities that will keep you away from reaching your dream of building a business.

Suggestions: This scenario is the one that provides you with the most freedom to concentrate on building a business. You should focus on organization tools like a planner, notepad or theme book and daily task list so that you can stay organized and focused.

It's also important to use a business planning system like our Ultimate Printable Business Planner and the TUL Note Taking System to set a foundation that you can use with your daily planning tools to stay organized and focused. 

This is also the scenario that can cause you to waste precious time on things that will get you nowhere fast. Make the most of this time by focusing on learning, launching (implementing) and testing.

If you use this strategy, you will (1) learn what works (2) learn what doesn't work (3) improve and start getting results.

Other Common Distractions

Here are a few additional distractions that in some cases are the result of limiting beliefs and myths. These distractions can also stunt your growth and success in starting and growing an online business: 

Killing Time on Social Media:

  • Excessive time 🕥spent on social media platforms can be a significant distraction. While these platforms can be valuable for business promotion, they can also consume time that could be better spent on essential business tasks.

Lack of Focus:

  • Entrepreneurs may face distractions due to a lack of focus or clarity about their goals.  Without a plan, your focus can easily be diverted to activities that result in losing money versus making money.  

    For example, income limiting activities can include creating products, content, offers, etc. that just sit on your blog or in your shop without promoting or marketing.

    Without a clear vision, it's easy to get sidetracked by non-essential activities.

    Each piece of content created should have a marketing plan that includes social media, video and audio with a clear call to action. 


  • Delaying important tasks or decision-making can impede progress. Procrastination can be a result of fear, uncertainty, or a lack of motivation, preventing entrepreneurs from taking necessary steps toward their goals.

Information Overload:

  • This is also called "shiny object syndrome". It involves constantly seeking new information without taking action can be a distraction. Entrepreneurs may spend excessive time learning without applying the knowledge to their business, hindering actual progress.

Negative Influences:

  • Surrounding oneself with negative or unsupportive individuals can be a huge distraction. Toxic relationships and environments can drain your motivation and hinder the pursuit of entrepreneurial goals.

You may think of additional distractions that can limit your success. The goal is to identify the ones that have an impact on your ability to move forward, and come up with a plan to manage them in the coming year. 

Managing Distractions That Are Keeping You From Your Goals

Income Generating Activities

Your business was established to help you make money. However, the distractions listed above, as well as limiting beliefs and myths, can cause us to waste time on "busywork" that keeps us from reaching our income goals.

What does it take for you to earn money? What steps do your potential customers have to take to do business with you? Is your sales and checkout process easy to use? These are areas that need to be addressed in the coming year.

It's important to be fully aware of the tasks (actions) that will have a direct impact on your ability to earn.

To ensure that you reach your income goals this year, add a set of tasks to your daily task list that will result in sales, sales and more sales. 🤩🤩🤩

Make the Task List Your Best Friend

To earn more in the coming year, it's important to focus on the income generating activities that work for your unique business.The list below will give you some ideas and kick start your list of tasks.

Create a list of the tasks you'll need to complete each day that will result in sales.

Spend more time learning about, launching, creating and promoting things like the following: 

  • Products /Services
  • Video files
  • Creating courses
  • Lead generation
  • Launching passive income systems
  • Implementing what you've learned
  • Building your list
  • Promoting content
  • Offers and Upsells
  • Audio files
  • Automating social media
  • Building an eCommerce shop
  • Live Demos and Q&As

Spend less time doing the following: 

  • Dreaming About Your Business Ideas
  • Sending DMs and Messages to Complete Strangers
  • Avoiding Marketing and Promotion
  • Running Down Clients and Customers
  • Being Inconsistent
  • Ignoring Your Audience
  • Being a Product Pusher

Remember to include dedicated, attention getting calls to action on each piece of content you create. In your calls to action, send readers, viewers and audience members to your sales, landing and lead generation pages.

Perform A/B testing on different types of content to see what performs best for your unique audience. 

Follow us on Social Media! 

The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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