November 4, 2021
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This article is about offers that attract the right people to your content, whether it's a blog post, video, product, kit, course, workshop, or webinar.

It's about making your offers attractive to the right people at the right time, and creating a business that's unstoppable. 

And if you take advantage of the free resource at the bottom of this page, you will no longer have to resort to pushy, salesy tactics for finding people to talk to about your business.

Let's face it, running people down, arm twisting and sending random messages to strangers is no way to run a thriving business. These tactics actually do more to strain relationships and run away the very people you want to work with.

This is the thing...

  • If you're placing your current offers on your blog or social media, and no one is interacting with them, you've got trouble. 📧
  • If you're not getting clicks, shares and traffic to your offer, it's not a good sign. 🖱️
  • If your content is not motivating your audience to take action you need help. 🆘

We'll show you a few things you can do to pretty up your offers and the one thing you might be overlooking that will keep you from creating offers that attract.

What is an Offer?

So when it comes to marketing, what is an offer? An offer is some combination of products, services, information, or experiences offered to a market to satisfy a need or a want.

That means the sky is the limit when it comes to making offers to your potential customers. You can offer anything from a single product, service, course, bundle, kit, webinar, or workshop. You can offer any combination of these items to earn money from your online business. 

How to Make Your Offers Attractive

Offers are where everything starts for your business. Yes there are lots of things that go on behind the scenes, but the first thing your potential customers will see are the offers you create for them.

And to get the best results, these offers have to be (1) attractive and (2) presented to the right people (audience), (3) in the right place, (4) at the right time.  This post will help you better understand how to make offers that attract. 

It will also give you access to a free resource that helps you get better results when you implement one major step that most business owners overlook. This one step helps you craft better offers for your ideal clients.


When it comes to making offers attractive, lets start with some of the most common platforms used to showcase products and services:

  • Blogs
  • Websites
  • Shops
  • Landing Pages
  • Sales Pages
  • Marketplaces

The platform you choose is important when it comes to how your offers are presented. And while some products are sold on simple platforms every day. we know that presentation can make or break your business. Choose a poorly designed platform and it could have an impact on your ability to sell. 

How Is Your Payment Process Working? 

Your checkout and payment process can also make or break your ability to sell what you're offering your audience. 

Are you using major payment processors that your audience is used to seeing? Do you offer one click checkout? If you're selling to a global audience, does your payment process make it easy for buyers across the globe to buy from you?

To ensure that your audience can easily buy from you. If there are unnecessary steps or requests for a lot of extra information that makes the process overly complicated, it can limit your ability to sell.

How Does the Offer Look? 

Again, presentation has a big impact on how well your offer connects with your audience. There tools you can use to make your offers attractive to the people you want to purchase them. 

To make your offers look amazing, it's a matter of using tools and apps that make them attractive to your audience.

Here is a list of tools you can use to beautify the items you're offering to potential customers.

By using one or a combination of these tools, you can create visually compelling brand image, making your products and services more attractive to potential buyers.

Is There a Demand for It? Are There Others Just Like It?

The next thing to ask yourself when promoting your offer is whether there is a demand for it... or are there a number of other products out there that do the same thing? 

That's where market research can help. Knowing how to research what's selling in the market can give you answers to both of these questions.

The free audience attraction resource below will help you with the task of performing market research as well as other tasks that will propel your ability to sell products and services.  

Keep in mind that if the answer to the first question is no, that's a deal breaker.  If there's no demand for what you're offering, that means your offer is not going to sell. That would explain why no one is interacting with your content. All is not lost, just shift gears and put together a different offer. 

If there are other offers out there just like yours, it's important to find a way to distinguish your offer from that of your competitors, which is totally doable.

Is It Helping Your Audience?

The goal is to offer visitors and potential customers some combination of products, programs, courses, services, workshops and webinars that will help your audience improve their lives in some way. 

You help them go from someone who had a specific problem before they took advantage of your offer, and that problem was improved or eliminated once they took advantage of your offer.

In essence, the after effects of using your product or service looked better than the before scenario.

And if you're wondering what the term "market" means in this context, a market is defined in Investopedia as a place where buyers and sellers can meet to facilitate the exchange or transaction of goods and services.

Maybe Your Focus Needs Fine Tuning

So back to the problem, if you're not getting clicks, shares or any interaction with your offers, how can you move on to the next stage to generate leads and sales?

Let's face it, if no one clicks on your offers they will never see what your business has to offer.

They will never see how great your products and services are, or what a great company you have. Your amazing products and services will remain unseen, until you do something different.

How You're Doing It All Wrong

Offers are so important, yet the key to making really great ones are frequently overlooked, especially by new business owners.

Now, don't get me wrong, new business owners definitely talk about their products. A LOT... 

But they do it with a focus on the wrong things.  

Here are some methods that can set you up for failure:

  • If you're like I was when I started, you might be focusing on what you've heard about SEO. While SEO is great when it works, what I've found is that SEO is a great long term strategy, but it didn't work for me in the short term. And in the beginning, I did it wrong so it really didn't help at all. 
  • Maybe you're on social media non-stop, pestering your friends and family with DM's and other types of messages, trying to convince them to "take a look" at your business.
  • You might be simply regurgitating (copying and pasting) the information you've received from your suppliers, direct sales or affiliate merchants, and hoping (keeping your fingers crossed 🤞🏻) that your offers are what potential customers are looking for. 
  • You might be leading with your products, talking about generic features, like colors, sizes and functions.
  • Maybe you're posting the latest fads from your favorite gurus, not really understanding what they mean.
  • Maybe you're just making it up as you go... posting whatever, whenever. I've been there too!

None of these tactics work well to help you establish yourself as the person everyone wants to work. They don't establish your business as the "go to" place for information about whatever your topic happens to be.

How to Refine Your Focus to Make Better Offers

We have put together a free resource that consists of several worksheets that will walk you through the steps you should take to focus on the right things when creating and talking about your offers.

These worksheets will give you insight on how to create offers that will grab the attention of your ideal customers, stop them from scrolling and motivating them to check out your offers.

Once they check out your offers, they will be inspired to click, engage and share your content with others.  And you'll learn how to easily get your potential customers to take the next step with your business.

In essence, you want your offers to take your ideal clients off of social media, and motivate them to get your content into their inboxes.  

The entire offer attraction process starts with clicks and shares that will result in generating more traffic, leads and sales to your business. 

Watch the 10 minute video and download the worksheets below to start putting these steps into action.

Watch This Video and Download the Audience Attraction Worksheets

These worksheets will help you take the focus off the old, ineffective tactics you might be using to build your business. And it will help you place your focus on the areas that will help your business grow and thrive.

Once your energy is focused in the right place, you'll see lots of changes. You'll go from dull, boring offers to offers that get results.  

Consistency is the Key To Success

Get the training and free bonus material and start implementing it today. Set up a consistent writing schedule and track your results. 

It would love to hear from you regarding your results. If you need help you can also reach out to me here or by using the Messenger app.  

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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