Four Simple Steps to Passive Income

See how easy it is to create products designed to unlock the power of passive income and earn consistent monthly income. Click the button below to learn more!

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Learn to Make Passive Income Work for You

Take the No Risk Option

Learn how conversion focused tools work and start earning passively no matter what platform you're using to run your business.

Get your questions answered with our news, tips and step by step video training. 

This is What You'll Learn in the Course

  • How passive, active and residual income works and why they are important
  • Step by step instructions walk you through setting up systems for each element
  • The kinds of products you can create and sell to earn passively
  • How duplication works to help you earn even more
  • How the elements work together to help you earn
  • How to promote your system to attract the ideal customers to your business

make the switch

To Conversion Focused Tools That Work

We use Thrive Suite in the training to build the systems needed to earn consistent passive and residual income. 

If you want to convert to this conversion focused tool, you'll gain access to step by step tutorials and courses that will show you how to switch your WordPress site to Thrive Suite.

preparing to earn

Use the Tools That Work for You

We'll walk you through setting up passive income systems using the tools we use in our business. However, if you have tools that do the same thing that you prefer, feel free to use them. I

If you don't have a WordPress site and you want to build one, we'll help you set up a WordPress platform you can use to create passive income systems. 

Create a WordPress site and learn about WordPress by clicking here. It only takes about 15 minutes to set up your domain and hosting and we will walk you through the process, quickly and easily.

create amazing customer journeys

New Opt-In Forms Added to Thrive Leads

Generating leads is the first step in creating passive income streams. The start of a great customer journey begins with a lead magnet and an opt in form.

There are new template design styles added to Thrive Leads (part of Thrive Suite), including gorgeous new Sticky Ribbon templates, Lightbox templates, Post Footer templates, Widget templates, Scroll Mat templates, and more...

systems that work on auto pilot

Build Easy Site Automation

Automation is the key to earning passive income. Join over 20,000 business owners and build smart automation for your website today for FREE.

Wondering About Next Steps?

Sign up for FREE, access the course and start building a thriving online business that earns passive income.
