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Blogging Fundamentals for Beginners


Blogging fundamentals for beginners shows you how to build a conversion focused, self hosted website on WordPress.  You’ll also learn to monetize your site to earn full or part time income. Take a look at the course overview to see what you’ll learn.

Blogging fundamentals for beginners will show you how to build a self hosted blog with WordPress that not only looks great, but one that helps you convert more visitors into leads and turns those leads into customers.

We don’t just show you how to install WordPress, we arm you with knowledge that empowers you to start blogging with confidence. We also provide business building strategies that will help you grow a thriving online business.

What’s even better is that you’ll have a site that’s self hosted, which means you own it and control it. You no longer have to rely on sites that limit the functionality you can build into your site. You no longer have to worry about putting your products on a site that has the potential to shut you down.

At the end of this course you will have a home online and a place to send visitors and potential customers to that helps them learn:

  • Who you are
  • Your unique business story
  • About the products and services you offer
  • How your business works
  • Why working with you will help them reach their goals
  • What sets you apart from your competition
  • and more!

Take a look at the course overview.


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