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  • Auto-Sell Architect: Email Marketing Automation Campaigns for Beginners

Auto-Sell Architect: Email Marketing Automation Campaigns for Beginners


Turn casual browsers into loyal customers through the power of email marketing. With this 62 page workbook you’ll discover the basics of email automation as a dynamic sales machine. You’ll learn how to set up your system for success, crafting email lists that resonate with your audience.

  • Set up an automated email marketing system
  • Explore the art of selling affiliate products
  • Use email to supercharge your sales funnels
  • Perfect the art of cross selling and up selling

With this 62 page workbook, craft persuasive and targeted marketing automation campaigns that resonate with your audience, leading to increased conversions and profits. No more guesswork or throwing spaghetti at the wall; this workbook will guide you through every step, ensuring your email campaigns are optimized for success.

Learn to transition users from free to paid products, crafting messages that sell mid and high ticket courses and digital products with finesse. Explore the concept of email automation workflows, enhance customer engagement, and drive conversations with the steps to implement them effectively.


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