Register a Trademark


You’ll receive legal counsel from an experienced trademark attorney, a thorough search of existing trademarks, the preparing and filing of a trademark application.

SKU: Trademark Name Search Category: Tags: ,

Protecting your trademark can really pay dividends. Not only is it a valuable property asset, but it’s also your brand, your reputation. You’ll receive legal counsel from an experienced trademark attorney, a thorough search of existing trademarks, the preparing and filing of a trademark application.

The reputation you have established is associated with these different brand elements – your name, logo, and tagline – and the reason why people buy from you.

It’s important to take steps to protect these company assets. Our partnered attorneys will do the research to make sure the mark isn’t already taken, ensure the filing gets accepted by the government office, and provide sound legal advice throughout the entire process.
How It Works:
  • A trademark attorney will follow up with you to get a better understanding of your needs and provide guidance on how the process works.
  • The trademark attorney will conduct a trademark search to ensure the availability, then provide the search results along with a plan of action.
  • The attorney will file the trademark with the US Patent and Trademark office and deliver the approved trademark documentation.


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