Introducing the Digital Product Blueprint!

Craft your Business success without breaking the bank!

Create highly profitable digital product collections, designed for consumers and entrepreneurs in most any niche.

The Digital Product Blueprint

Dive into our course that shows you how to make digital solutions, tailored to your audience. Learn to transform your ideas into reality using free resources.

Empower yourself with a self paced course that includes step-by-step videos, audio files and guides that show you how to build a business you'll love waking up to each day.

Create Digital Products in Your Spare Time While Building a Scalable Online Business

The Benefits of Starting a Digital Product Business

  • Digital products can be created and sold using free resources. All you need is a device, an internet connection, an email marketing provider and a selling platform.
  • You control the pricing, which means you can offer discounts, limited time offers and bundles to make your products more attractive to potential customers. 
  • Even if you don't have a website, you can easily distribute them to customers globally through various online marketplaces.
  • Because there are no shipping, overhead or storage costs, the production and distribution costs for digital products is significantly lower than the costs associated with selling physical products.
  • As your product line, experience and marketing skills improve, you'll be able to become more productive, earning more in less time.
  • Selling digital products can be automated, freeing up time for you to focus on other aspects of your life.
  • The delivery of digital products is instant (via the internet), providing a quick and easy shopping experience for customers.
  • With low production and distribution costs, digital products offer high profit margins, making them a logical option for entrepreneurs in most niches and industries.
  • As an option, digital products can be sold on a subscription or membership basis, providing a recurring source of income.

Course Highlights

You'll receive information packed lessons designed to help you set up your business on a strong foundation. You'll learn to create, package and sell high-quality digital products that your ideal customers will love to buy, give as gifts as well as receive!  Take a look at a few of the highlights below.

What Are Digital Products?

Tasks and Goal Setting

Using Leveraged Systems to Grow Faster

A Simple System That Builds Your Business on Auto-Pilot

The Use of Color in Your Digital Designs

How to Create Your First Digital Product

How to Package Your Digital Products

How to Sell Without Selling

Where to Sell Your Digital Products

Keyword and Market Research

Bonus Content

You'll also receive 35 bonus videos that show you how to create a variety of different digital products that you can use to appeal to a number of different industries and niches. 

Start the Digital Product Blueprint



Why You Need This Course

There's a lot more to digital products than creating them. To have a thriving business you'll need to set goals and plan workflows. You'll need systems that will promote and follow up so that you can attract new customers while retaining existing customers. You'll also need to package your products so that they are attractive to new and existing customers.

If you're new to building a business online and you want to learn business building principles, in addition to how to create, package and sell digital products, this is the course for you.

What's Included: 

  • How to Create Digital Products
  • 19 Video, Audio and Written  Lessons
  • How to Use Leveraged Systems to Grow Faster
  • Setting Goals for Your Business
  • How to Create, Package and Promote Digital Products
  • Course Workbook and Free Course Printables
  • Bonus Resources

Frequently Asked Questions (f.a.q.)

I'm hesitant about spending money on a course. Can I be assured of a positive ROI?

Without knowing your work ethic or whether you will implement what we show you, it's impossible to guarantee a positive ROI. As a low risk option, we recommend checking out a free video, and downloading our free eBook to see if there is a good fit between our teaching style and your needs. Keep in mind that it's necessary to invest in yourself to grow, improve and experience success in any undertaking that is new to you. You can certainly try to figure it out on your own or you can take our course that will answer your questions, and help you get results faster.

Does this course cater to businesses in my specific niche?

Yes, digital products are highly adaptable and flexible. They can be adapted to most any niche and industry.

I'm already swamped with running my current business. Will I have the time to dedicate to this course?

I would allow 2-3 hours per day to work on the course for best results. You may need more or less time than that depending on your ability to absorb the information. 

You'll need time to review the 19 video, audio and written lessons and time to review the information in the resources section that supplement the lessons.

The course can be taken at your own pace and will be available to you as long as we offer it. So it's a matter of your preferences, your tolerance and desire to juggle multiple priorities, and how quickly you want to start getting results.

I've never created digital products before. Can someone with no prior experience benefit from this course?

Yes, even if you've never created digital products, (or any products for that matter) you can build a digital product business.

We have step by step videos and written instructions, plus a guide and related videos that will show you the templates you can use (so that you're not starting from scratch) and how to add various elements to create unique digital products. 

As you gain experience, review the kinds of products that are available and learn how to use these tools, you will get better at creating and selling a variety of products.  

Until you learn to use the design tools you can also hire out the creation process using resources like Fiverr,

Do I need a specific skill set or background to succeed in this program?

The great thing about digital products is that they can usually be created with tools you may already be familiar with and based on your skills and interests. They are very flexible and adaptable to most industries and niches.

There are specific skills that will help you more easily create digital products. Check out this list of the skills you need to get started. If you don't have any of the skills we outline, you can hire them out using resouces on sites like Fiverr.

How can I trust that the information provided is up-to-date and relevant to the current digital landscape?

You will learn about proven systems that business owners are using today to build thriving online businesses.

In the workbook that comes with the course you'll also have access to successful businesses that are using the tools and resources we discuss in the course.

Is the investment in the course worth the potential return on my business?

When you consider the thousands of dollars in income potential a digital product business can bring to an entrepreneur who is able to implement the concepts learned in this course, the cost of the course ($97) is more than worth it. Additionally, there are opportunities to save on the course when it's on sale. Sign up for our list to be notified when the course goes on sale.

There are no guarantees regarding ROI, because success depends on a number of factors including the student's ability to comprehend and absorb the information, their work ethic and willingness to implement what they learn.

That said, the cost of this course is affordable for most budgets at ($97). And given the high income potential available for students who finish the course and implement the concepts learned, it is more than worth the investment.

Is there concrete evidence that businesses have succeeded after taking this course?

In the workbook that comes with the course, you'll find companies that sell digital products and how much they are making from the sale of digital products.

During the course and in our email news, we discuss various marketplaces (we also show you how to do market research to find these companies) that show how many products are being sold and how much various companies are making selling digital products.

How realistic are the success stories shared? Can I replicate them in my own business?

The success stories are from real companies and real people who are creating products for sale worldwide.

The course shows you how to create digital products and build systems that can be duplicated again and again to add more and more products to your shop.  

We show students how to maximize the internet so that they are able to reach a wide audience of people who are looking for digital product solutions.

Is the market already saturated with digital products in my niche? How can I stand out?

You bring a unique perspective to any product you make. It's important to perform market and competitor research to determine the kinds of digital products being sold in your niche.

Once you know what's currently being sold, you can better differentiate your brand from other brands, capturing your unique perspective and bringing your skills to the products you create.

There are many companies that make the same products in the consumer market. But they create unique brands and bring different things to the marketplace. It's omportant to find your audience and create products that will meet their specific needs.

Will there still be opportunities for new businesses in this space?

That's where market research comes into play. When you perform research, you will know before starting a business, whether there is a demand for the products you're creating. And the great thing about digital products is that there isn't a one size fits all product. If one product is not performing well, and is a wide variety of other products that you can pivot to.

The course shows you how to select a niche and perform market research that will help you understand your market, making products that will meet the needs of the market.

I'm not sure if I'm committed enough to see this through. What happens if I lose interest or motivation?

It's important to determine why you're attracted to taking a course. There may be problems you think a course would help you solve. And if so, it's important to focus on your why and the transformation you're hoping the course will help you achieve.

It's probably not a good idea to take a course unless you are committed to the transformation you'll make once you've finished and implemented what you've learned.

If you think you're just curious and not committed, it's probably not a good idea to take the course.

Are there any case studies or success stories that showcase the financial benefits of taking this course?

As part of the course, you'll receive a workbook that includes companies that are selling digital products and outlines how much these companies are making along with the kinds of products they sell.

It's important to see other companies that are doing what you want to do and study their business practices, their pricing, the platforms they use, and the way they follow up with customers.

Want to Learn More?

Download our free guide and discover what you can do with a digital product business. You'll learn whether this training is a good fit for you! 
