Discover the Easiest Way to Get More Engagement, Leads and Sales Using Your Existing Social Media Channels

If you're spending way too much time and money on social media with very little to show for it, this course is for you! We'll show you how to build a targeted audience using your existing social media accounts.

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Sale Price: $18.50
Regular Price: $37.00

The Subtle Shift That Puts You at a Disadvantage

Before becoming an entrepreneur, you were a friend, son, daughter, mother, father, coworker, etc. Once you became an entrepreneur a shift occurred. In addition to your original roles, you became "that man" or "that woman" who is selling "something".

That could be a good thing, if you're already perceived as the go to person for whatever it is you're promoting. However, if you're starting an online business from scratch, it could also go the other way. 

Depending on the experience your friends and family have had with other companies and salespeople, they may be wondering when things are going to become awkward. They are hoping with each new encounter that you don't try and "sell" or "convince" them to buy or join something.

Here's Where It Can Get Really Awkward, Really Fast

Once you put on your entrepreneurial hat, it becomes crystal clear that you need someone to sell to... You need an audience. Your immediate thought, is to reach out to your friends and family.  

You may have thought you could start out depending on them for sales. After all, they've been supportive of you in general over the years. It's a reasonable assumption, especially if you have a large network of family and friends. 

Then there's also the mailman, your hairstylist, the sales clerk at the grocery store, your manicurist, your friends at church and the list goes on. You may have even been told to make a list of all your friends and family... Sound familiar?

With your enthusiasm in hand, you pick up your device and create a post on social media using your personal profile. You tell your friends and family about your new business and maybe share a link to your online catalog.

You might also send a text to a few people, letting them know that you sell product XYZ and you can't wait to do business with them with a link to your store! 

In response to your announcement, you get a few replies of congratulations, others give you a like or a thumbs up. But you don't get the overwhelming response you had hoped for.  You wait for while, thinking you might have a sale, so you check your online store to find that there are no sales. You're a little disappointed but you shrug it off and keep going. That's small disappointment #1.

The next day you try again, posting a picture of one of your products on social media adding a few features, along with the price, and a link. This is your best product, and to you, it's the best thing since sliced bread.

You're sure that people in your network will like it, and the price is reasonable. So surely you'll get at least one sale from someone in your friends and family network!

Again, crickets... What's going on? You wonder why you normally get lots of engagement and comments on your vacation pictures, but nothing when it comes to your new business? You're left scratching your head, wondering what went wrong? That's day 2 and disappointment #2. You see where this is going...

A month or so passes and you receive one sale from your Aunt Martha who feels sorry for you and wants to see you succeed. Two weeks later, you receive an order from a random person who purchased from your eCommerce store. That's great, but you had hoped for more... plus when you subtract expenses, there's not much left. So you go back to hoping that things get better.

Hoping and wishing is not the way to grow a thriving online business. Besides you need consistent results to reach your sales goals.  You ask yourself, is this how it's supposed to be when you have an online business?

You start thinking, how long can you go without a sale before you start feeling the financial pinch? If you're like most people, it won't be long before you have to start making hard decisions to make ends meet.

The bottom line is you can't depend on friends, family, coworkers, people in your local community that  you do business with, etc., to buy enough products and services to sustain a thriving online business. And in reality it might be best if you don't factor them in at all. 

The best way to build an online business is to do the research needed to determine your target audience. Then market to them using social media and a platform that gives your business a polished, professional appearance. That's it...

If you family comes along after you've set up your marketing systems, great. But don't depend on any one source to grow a thriving business that supports the lifestyle you want to live.

Running a new business for a months with no prospects, no leads or sales is not what you expected when you started out. Your enthusiasm starts to fade.  You know that is not a good way to start, but you try to stay positive and hope that you can get a lead or a sale soon. #nowaytomakealiving

What No One Has Told You About Social Media

Here's the thing that no one tells you about building your business on social media. There's a difference between posting pictures of your family vacation on your personal profile, versus posting to motivate an audience to buy something. You'll need to establish a few things before people will start taking out their credit card to buy.  

And the way you approach your friends and family with your new business has everything to do with whether you attract them to you, or run them away.

While you may eventually have plenty of family and friends that buy from you, very few people (if anyone) makes a living online if they only sell to their friends and family. So it's important to build an audience that includes more than your friends and family. 

Here is another key fact that no one shares... everyone is not your customer.  And everyone loves to buy, but no one wants to be sold. What that means is, no one wants you hounding them to buy your stuff.

They don't want to see you trying to sell them something day after day. In other words don't call them, they'll call you. 

People use their cell phones to shop these days, and if you're not in the online world, (including social media) you're missing tons of opportunities to sell your products and services. At the same time, there's a way to do it so that your audience doesn't feel like they are being sold to.

You'll need to take the steps needed to attract a targeted audience of engaged users who trust that you are a legitimate business. They also need to know that you're stocked with what they are looking for. This will enable you to receive sales that flow, versus sales that trickle in.  

Making the Transformation to Social Media for Business

Struggling with an online business is not the way it's supposed to go. Making the transformation to social media for business can be painful unless you know how to put on your entrepreneurial hat in a way that gets results.  

If you don't know how to get results, that's okay. We'll help you learn the skills you'll need to be successful. And that's the goal of 30 Days of Social Media Posting

If you allow poor results to get under your skin, and you stop posting or interacting online, it won't get better.  You'll continue to struggle and lose money and if nothing changes you'll waste countless hours each day trying to convince people who are not interested, to make a purchase.

Without improving your skills, it will be hard to know what to post, when your audience is online and how to say things that will motivate them to act. If you continue to spin your wheels, the frustration can lead to a sense of overwhelm and you may be tempted to quit. And in that case, you'll never reach your financial and personal goals.

Learning new skills, practicing with the right tools and consistently evaluating your results will help you improve on an ongoing basis, and get better and better at creating content that attracts an audience that wants what you have to offer.

What Does Your Audience See When They Review Your Social Media Feed?

Are they seeing a consistent brand that tells them who you are, what you do and how you can help them? If you're not inviting your audience to learn more about your business, you're leaving money on the table.

Learn to generate income online and get more income building results with simple steps you can take starting today. 

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Sale Price: $18.50
Regular Price: $37.00

How This Course Can Help You

Not knowing how to use social media is a big problem for new business owners. It's also a problem for some who have had an online presence for years.  In the beginning they are unclear about what to post, when to post and how to create a strategy that works. One thing leads to another and a series of bad habits takes hold. 

With bad habits and inconsistency in hand, it's easy to end up with limited results. These bad habits can put you into a vicious cycle of hard work, long hours and nothing to show for it.

The problem of spending long hours posting is a common one. Many entrepreneurs who don't know what to do, end up spending hours spamming their audience with random, meaningless information.

Buying ads compounds the problem if you don't really know how to run them effectively. So you can actually end up losing money each month (versus making money) because your social media activities are limited. 

You need a strategy and a system that helps you get results. That's how 30 Days of Social Media Posting can help.  Once you have a plan, and you learn how to set things up, you will have a system that enables you to generate more leads and sales. 

About Social Media for Business

Increasingly, social media is where consumers go to discover and buy from brands. As an entrepreneur, it's important to engage with these users and build an audience.

Social media can help businesses establish the know, like and trust factor that makes it easy to generate leads and sales. In this course, you'll receive the tools and resources to get through 30 days of posting.

This is 30 days that you can use to learn what works with your audience, while getting the results you've needed to grow your business. You'll also be able to focus on other aspects of your business with ease.

When used well, social media can humanize your brand, helping you showcase your unique business personality.

What Makes Our Course Different?

There are many social media template packages available online. Some companies offer hundreds and even thousands of templates for a reasonable price.

Our experience has been that thousands of templates at once is overwhelming and you'll probably never use them all. So while they look great, if they are not used, they end up becoming a waste of money.  

We feel that it's not enough to give our customers a download and say "go for it". As a new entrepreneur, you need to know what to do with the templates and how they can impact your business.  You need a manageable number of templates and training that you'll use to get on the path to success.

So we put together this package with templates, planning sheets and video training that walks you through setting everything up, customizing the templates and scheduling your posts. You'll also learn about tools you can use to measure your results. 

At the end of 30 days, have a better understanding of social media and how you can use it in your business. You'll also have data you can use to make decisions on what's working or if you need to make changes.  

Why Social Media is the Place for Your Online Businesses

Social media is the place to be, because that's where your potential customers are! According to Sprout Social, as of January 2022 there were 3.96 billion total social media users across all platforms.

Not only are billions of people on social media, they are spending an average of 95 minutes per day on social platforms. That's a lot of users and a lot of time... and the numbers are increasing year after year.

Social media is one of the best ways for brands to engage with customers and promote their products and services.

At the same time, you can spend day after day, posting the wrong things, to the wrong people, and spending money on ads that give you zero results.  You have other things to do, like spending time with the people who matter most, and growing your business through other channels. 

Here's What's Included in the Course

  • Running Social Campaigns on Auto-Pilot
  • How to Find Your Ideal Customers
  • 31 Customizable Canva Templates
  • 17 Printable Daily Planning Sheets
  • 75 Social Media Post Ideas
  • A Customizable Brand Board Template
  • How to Generate More Leads Using Social
  • Your 30 Second Elevator Pitch
  • Why Building a Brand Matters on Social
  • Creating Social Media Posts in Bulk
  • 30 Day Printable Planning Calendar
  • Bonus: Using AI to Accelerate Posting

About the Instructor

Marvelyn Brown is a blogger and digital marketer, focusing on topics surrounding online sales and marketing, digital products and crafting, She's based in the U.S., and when she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, relaxing with family and hanging out with friends. 

Course features

We don't just send you a stack of templates and let you figure out how to use them. We walk you through the prep work and systems that will help you gain the skills needed to be successful. Skills that will help you to be successful in getting results with your business.

Once you make your purchase, the course packet will be accessible to you. You can get started right away, learning about the social media system we will help you set up. Once your system is set up, you'll gain confidence and you start getting results with your creative business. 

31 Done for You Social Media Templates

You'll receive a month's worth of social media templates you can customize with your content to get more leads and sales. And you'll learn how to create more posts in bulk in record time.

75 Social Media Post Ideas

Keep this list with you each day for ideas you can use to create social media posts. This is an excellent planning tool. 

Training Videos That Walk You Through Each Step

You'll receive training videos that will walk you through each step involved in setting up your social media systems. 

A Branding Board Template

A branding board helps you stay consistent with your brand and reminds you each time you post about the colors, fonts and logo that make up your brand. It spells out the elements you'll need to create consistent content that tells your audience how your business is the best solution to help them reach their goals. 

Ready to Get Started?

Get the entire 30 Days of Social Media for Business, the course, templates and planning materials sent to you immediately and start getting more leads and sales from your creative business. 

Save 50% for a Limited Time

Sale Price: $18.50

Low Introductory Price  $37.00



  • Working time 24/7 all days
  • Free Tea & Coffee
  • Max 15 team members
  • Superfast wifi

Frequently asked questions

What kind of results can i expect?

You'll gain insight on how you help your audience, and you'll be introduced to the tools and resources you'll need to be successful.

You'll learn to organize your content so that you get the right messages in front of the right people. When your social media content starts saying the right things to the right people, you will start seeing an improvement in your results. 

This is not the kind of course that guarantees that you will make a certain amount of money in the first 30 days of posting, If that's your expectation, this course is not for you.  The results will depend on the effort you put in. 

If you want to learn about social media, set goals and improve the results you're receiving to build your business, your needs are a better fit for this course.

Will I benefit from the course if I'm totally new to social media?

Even if you're new to social media, you can benefit from this course because it shows you how to create a posting strategy that helps you posting with your goals in mind. We give you different options for posting and you can choose the one that is easiest for you.

You will need to set up a social media account on Pinterest and Instragram because those are the formats used for the templates.

If you've used social media to communicate with friends and family, you should be able to get everything set up with ease.  We will show you how to make the shift from posting posting personally versus posting for business.

What makes your templates different from all the others?

With many of the template packs you'll find online, we don't just hand you a stack of templates and tell you to go for it. We show you how to use the templates to reach your goals. 

Keep in mind that success on social media is not as much about the templates, as the strategy that agoes behind the templates.

Our templates include 31+ days of posts that you can customize for your business, along with tools that will help you understand how social media for business works. 

Each template includes formatting, and prompts you can use to reach your goals. You'll receive tons of added value including video training that shows you how to use them, planners and guides you can print and use to build your business long after the training is over.  

Can I use the templates after the initial 30 day period?

Absolutely, you can save the templates and use them over and over again with the guide, 75 Social Media Post Ideas  and the tools and resources included in the course.

You can use these tools to create additional posts for your business.  You can post in weekly, monthly or longer increments with lots of ideas you can use to grow your business. 

As we update the course, you will also receive lifetime updates for free!

See How Easily You Can Get Results on Auto-Pilot

Don't spend all day on social media, create it, set it and forget it for 30 days while you focus on other aspects of your business. 
