October 29, 2022
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One of the best ways to generate leads (build your list) online is through social media marketing. This article will help you discover several social media optimization tips that will help you build your list faster and talk to more people who are likely to become loyal customers.

It's important to optimize your social media profiles, blogs, marketplaces and websites so that you can grow your audience.

This translates to more people who have the potential to become customers. Use these tips to create an effective strategy that will drive more leads and traffic to your business.  

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Sign Up with an Email Marketing Provider

First, you'll need to sign up with an email marketing company that you'll use to create your opt-in forms, create connections between your form and your email provider and best of all, store your leads. 

You can sign up with companies like aWeber, Constant Contact, Mailpoet, Mailchimp, ConvertKit and there are many more. You can sign up with basic functionality for free with most of these companies to try it out. Choose a company and get started building your list.

We use Mailchimp, aWeber and Mailpoet for email marketing.

Create an Opt-In Landing Page

One of the first things you should do when optimizing your social media pages for leads is to create an opt-in form or a lead generation landing page. Include a free resource (lead magnet) that will encourage more people to sign up.  

We use Thrive Leads to create lead generation opt in forms like the one you'll find on the this page. Thrive leads has over 450+ ready to use templates and resources that make building the perfect lead generation forms and pages a breeze. 

To add an opt in form to a page using Thrive Architect, add a "Lead Generation" element to a page. You can use this method as a way that users can subscribe to your content.

In order for the "Lead Generation" element to work, you will need to set up a connection with your email provider (Mailchimp, aWeber, Constant Contact, etc. The two methods you would use to establish this connection would be via API or using HTML. Thrive makes setting up this connection very easy. 

Disclaimer: This page may contain affiliate links. If you use these links, I will receive a small commission. However using these links will have no effect on you or your purchase in any way.

Having a lead generation landing page enables you to explain the benefits of signing up and what they will get (free resource) and more value added, relevant content. Your lead generation landing page is a place where people can share their contact info with you.

Once you have a lead generation landing page, it’s time to add it to all your social media profiles.  If you have the Pretty Links plugin, you can create an easy to remember link for your audience.

Listen on the Go: Our Podcast Episode on Social Media Optimization

Include Calls to Action in All Your Posts

This is an important element that is commonly left off when posting to social media. It's important to guide visitor though your process, telling them what they should do next. Great navigation and calls to action helps them take the desired actions. 

So make sure you have calls to action (CTAs) in every social media post and on every page of your site. These CTAs will help drive traffic and guide visitors through your website encouraging them to take action.

Use a call to action with the link to your “pretty” lead generation landing page, when creating your videos and podcasts.  Add it to your email signature. When you end each blog post, include a call to action banner or graphic that has a link to your email opt in form.

lead generation process

Attract potential customers with a list building process like this using social media.

Add Internal Links to Other Pages

If you have a blog or website, once someone signs up you can send them to a page that tells them what next steps are and provides them with a low priced upgrade to what they signed up to get.

You can also add links to other pages within your site. Once you drive traffic from social media to your site, it's important to make it easy for visitors to find what they are looking for.

Linking to other pages makes it easier for new visitors to find what they are looking for. It also gives search engines more data to index and rank your site higher.

Update Your Social Media Profiles

When was the last time you updated your social media profiles or the about me section of your profiles? What about the about pages on your blog, other landing pages, Tumblr blogs, YouTube channels, etc., those places that allow you to include a link to your page. Include a link to your opt-in page in your link in bio app. 

Be sure to check the terms of any platform you're on to be sure they allow you to add a link to your business.  If you violate the terms of the platforms you use, you run the risk of being shut down. 

It's important to use your profile as a way to engage visitors and tell them why they need to sign up and the benefits they will receive as a member of your list.

Promote Your Email Opt In Landing Page

If you’re not sure where to start with optimizing your social media pages for leads, here are some quick tips to help you out:

  1. Make sure you have a clear call to action (CTA) in each post.
  2. Include a link to your lead generation landing page.
  3. Add relevant hashtags to your posts.
  4. Create an account on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc.
  5. Share your content across multiple platforms.
  6. Be consistent.
  7. Don’t forget to use images!
  8. Keep track of your results
  9. Repeat as needed.
  10. Use social media automation tools to help you become more consistent and get more done in less time.

Bonus Tool: Automate Social Media Posting

There are tools you can use to automate social media posting so that your posts are generated without you having to be there manually posting day in and day out. This tool is called Tailwind and it allows you to plan your posts on most of the popular platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. 

Determine what you want to post, schedule your posts in Tailwind and move on with the rest of your day. You can schedule posts for a day, week, month or even longer. Get started with Tailwind for free and see if it's a good fit for your business.

Wrapping Up

Take action on these simple steps that can be done in an afternoon. Be sure to download your free checklist and get started today. You can also find more business building tools and resources by following us on social media using the buttons below.

Are You Spending the Whole Day on Social Media with Nothing to Show for It?

Plan your posts and use automation to drive tons of targeted traffic to your business. 

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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