September 11, 2021
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Are you ready to start your business? Are you looking for a online business that will allow you to earn extra money, build a nest egg or create a lifestyle that allows you to balance your income with your home and other obligations? 

If so, this post will give you some free and easy ways to get started. There are many options available for anyone who wants to work from home, the biggest question is which option will be the best one for you. 

Check out the videos below and listen to the podcast episode for a free and easy exercise you can do to start answering some important questions and building a solid foundation for any business you decide to start. 

It's an Exciting Time!

You're reading this at a great time, because we just started our podcast, The In a Word Minute. Today's episode will start at the beginning for anyone who is thinking about starting an online business. 

Follow and listen on the go for things to think about when you start your business. Get tips, strategies and resources you can use to start and grow with a solid foundation.

This episode will cover the things that can be frequently overlooked when starting out.

Addressing these issues in the beginning will help you get results faster and create a great foundation that will help you pick the best product, service or organization to work with. 

Resources Mentioned in the Episode

Here's a summary of the podcast episode, Start With Your Biggest Business Asset. I've listed the resources I talked about in the episode. Listen here on Spotify. You can also listen on Google Podcast, and Apple Podcast!

This episode shows you how to create a business you love while reaching your financial goals.  And you know that hindsight is 20/20, there's always something that can be done better. So I also talk about things I would do over in my business if I had the opportunity. 

Start a Blog with Bluehost!

Discover how easy and affordable it is to start a self hosted WordPress Blog using BlueHost!  Watch the video and click the button below to get started.

Build Your Business on a Solid Foundation

If I had an opportunity for a do over, one of the first things I would focus on would be to create a stronger foundation for my business from the beginning.  

Since most people aren't experts at building an online business, the way to build a strong foundation is to invest in training. Training that shows you how to build an online business, the right way.  Training that shows you how to properly prospect, and build an audience that is targeted to your niche.  

That means no spam, no running down people to get them to set appointments.  That means turning the tables and having prospects reach out to me.

Looking back I realize that the most valuable asset in my business was ME.  My knowledge, skills and interests, my mindset and the choices I made had everything to do with the direction of my business. 

Like most people when they are starting out, I felt like a fish out of water. I didn't feel empowered at all.  I had all the power, I just didn't know it. 

Since I can't have a do over, my goal today is to help you start with a strong foundation. 

I will show you how focusing on training as well as your hobbies, skills and interests will get you closer to a business you enjoy and one that will set the foundation that will set you on the path to passive income.

First, download the hobbies, skills and interests worksheet and watch the first video that walks you through completing the worksheet.  

Once you've done the worksheet, watch the next video that gives you ideas of the "kinds" of businesses you can start. I took the survey and it was pretty accurate for me. However there is nothing written in stone but it gives you something you can start with. 

The last video will give you more insight into (1) selecting a niche and (2) finding products you can promote that are a good match for your niche. 

After all, you want a business you enjoy. You want to believe in any product or service you promote.  If you're like me you might be starting a business with a product or service with a focus on dollar signs.

Once you've taken a look at your interests, you will have a better idea of the kind of product, service or opportunity you may want to promote.  You might even have a few ah, ha moments as you watch the first video through the third one. 

Start Your Business

Follow us and listen on the go! 

Once You Find a Product That Fits Your Niche

New entrepreneurs frequently make the assumption that they can just grab a product (any product) and start promoting to everyone with a pulse.  

Taking that route usually results in a lot of spinning wheels and frustration. This is because everyone is not your customer.  

And if your experience is like mine, you find out quickly that most people don't want to be run down and pestered with your flyers, business cards and phone calls. 

What your ideal customers want is (1) answers to their questions and (2) to be able to reach you when they are ready to make a purchase for what you are offering.  

It's your job to make sure you are around when they are ready, not the other way around. They will buy from the company that (1) creates awareness, (2) helps them understand how to solve a problem or get ideas, and (3) does a good job of showing that they are the best solution and (4) is available when they are ready to make a purchase.

Womany Listening to Podcast on Sofa

Starting your customer relationships by leading with your product means you're missing half the battle. When your ideal customer is looking for information, and researching solutions and ideas, what are you doing?

There is also more to online promotion than selling hype, or picking up the phone and trying to "convince" someone to make a purchase. That's so 1960-ish! :-0

Do What Works

Phone calls may work for some people. Not so much for others like me who feel that calls to people I haven't talked to in years, for the sake of making a sale is disingenuous.  

If you can get through to a decision maker, and have a good conversation, it's a quick way to get results. And some people have a knack for making it work. 

But most of the time, people are not receptive to phone calls. If they do answer the phone at all, they don't want to be sold by some random person on the other end of the phone.

Most people love to buy but they don't want to be sold.  

If you're ready to start your business that works 24/7 to help you reach your goals, subscribe to our podcast and become a frequent listener.  

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We're helping creative business owners go from stuck and confused to empowered and thriving one video at a time.  

The Creative Impulse Podcast

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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