October 9, 2017
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If the rat race is getting you down, you've lost your job, or you need to add an additional stream of income to an existing paycheck, it might be time to consider other options.

If you're thinking of starting an online business, congratulations on a decision that can make a huge difference in your life.  

Here is a checklist of things to consider with resources and a few initial steps to take to prepare for the launch of your new business. 

Access Your Free Checklist

Download Our Startup Checklist

The PDF is packed with resources you can use to start an online business with everything you need to consider to get your business online. There is also a list of questions that will help you plan your launch.

Quick Start Essentials

The image below shows the essential (not all) items needed to get your business online. The video training below will explain these elements to help you get started.

The essentials are included because many people already have

starting an online business

started at least one of these elements. They don't have much left to do to get their businesses online.

There are many entrepreneurs who are struggling with an offline business right now.  Getting these entrepreneurs online and helping them switch gears can help them reach a global audience, keeping their business growing and intact.

How This Image Works

The essentials shown on the image below are provided to let readers know that it doesn't have to be complicated or hard to start an online business.

Take a look at the image below and follow along with the examples below the graphic: 

  • You may still struggle even though you have 3 essentials. You may have a product, a business model and an online platform (a company supplied website). Technically you have an online business. Many direct salespeople and network marketers have all of these elements. Yet they struggle with getting results because they are not clear on how to advertise their products and services and attract their ideal customers to their business.  
  • Anyone who has a product and business model (2 essentials) can take our free Blogging Basics course to set up their platform and sign up for a Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts to advertise their products and services. 

The Rest of the Checklist is Important

This check contains the other important elements that must also be addressed to build a unique, lifestyle business that gives you the results you're looking for. The essentials are highlighted in red.

  • What kinds of products or services do you want to sell? Do you like fashion, beauty, health and fitness, or business services? Maybe you want to promote yourself as a consultant. Is there a need for the products or services you will promote?

    It’s a good idea to research your industry of choice, to see what the needs are for the products you’re interested in.

  • What are your interests, hobbies and talents? Are you a great cook? Do you have a creative side? Do you like organizing and adding structure where there is none? Do you get compliments on something you've created? Do you have a hobby or area of expertise that you have pursued for a long time, and just never got paid for it? Maybe now is the time to take that hobby or skill and turn it into an online business. 
  • How willing are you to learn new things? Unless you have already created an online business, you will experience a learning curve. Even though the Internet has been around for a while, it constantly changing.  To get results as quickly as possible, you should look for mentoring and training from experts to learn not only how to be successful at selling online, but finding experts in your industry who would be willing to show you what to focus on, and what to avoid.
  • Have you selected a business model? A business model gives your business structure, a mode of operation that helps you in your daily activities. For example, are you interested in working as a consultant, coach or freelancer? Maybe you want to work in direct sales, network marketing, affiliate marketing, eCommerce or another model? Which model best fits your interests, skills and abilities? Learn more about various business models and the companies that offer them.  Once you've selected a business model, perform a search on companies that operate using your selected business model to learn more about them.
  • Have you given thought to a platform for your business?  A platform like a blog, Facebook page or You Tube channel can provide a place for your prospects, friends, family and potential business partners to learn more about your company.

    It’s a place for your customers to find and consume your content, contact you, make a purchase, leave feedback and comments, provide testimonials and share your information with others. A blog or website is similar in function to a physical building for a brick and mortar business. The only difference is that it’s online.

Facebook Training

Here is the latest training post from our Facebook Page. Get more training, tools and news you can use to get your business online.

To receive text reminders, ask questions and interact when we go live, click here.

  • Are you willing to invest time and resources in keeping up to date on the latest trends and best practices? Best practices regarding social media, tools and resources are constantly evolving.  The best way to sell products and services online is to consistently stay up to date and learn from experts in your industry. As people are able to have more success they share their knowledge through blogging, video training and courses.  There is a lot of information to sort through and decisions to be made on the best path for you. 
  • How willing are you to invest in training? Take a moment to think about anything you've ever excelled at. More than likely you didn't learn it on your own. You had a teacher or mentor who showed you the ropes.  The great thing is that there are people who have built successful businesses online who are willing and ready to show you the ropes.  You just have to be open to learning new things and keeping up on
  • How much do you know about promoting and selling online? Internet marketing, also called online marketing, the process of promoting a brand, products or services over the Internet. Its broad scope includes attraction marketing, lead generation, email marketing, relationship management and promotional activities that are done online. Learning more about these subjects and how to get results, is important to the success of your business.  The good news is that all of this information is within reach.  Sign up for our resource library to learn more about internet marketing.
  • Do you have a social media presence? If you don’t have a social media presence, sign up for Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest as soon as possible.  These platforms will get you started with social media, and enable you to reach a worldwide audience.
  • Have you selected a niche that will be profitable and enjoyable?  A Niche is defined as interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population relating to products and  services. 

    What are your interests? Brainstorm areas you might be interested in and use broad categories. Then narrow those categories down as much as possible. Choose a cause or topic to promote based on your hobbies, possibly a sport you’re involved in, teach others how to do something in your area of expertise, etc. Popular niches include health and wellness, fashion, personal finance, wealth building, dating, cooking, etc.  
  • What online and offline tools will you use to stay organized? Staying organized will also have a major impact on your overall success online. Are you familiar with organizational tools and systems that will help you sort through information, stay up to date with important numbers, information you might want to share on social media, and items that will help you make great business decisions.  Watch our video on organization. 

    We'll take a look at offline storage and organization with items like worksheets, binders, dividers, stickers and filing systems that will help you stay on top of important information.  It's especially important to keep things like financial data, website log ins and strategy data in offline storage.

    If you haven't already, consider creating cloud storage accounts. You may be like me in that your preference is paper and pen, it's still a good idea to have places where you can store and bookmark information as you come across items that will help with your business.  

    Tools like Evernote, Google Drive, and DropBox are great choices. Of course never keep financial information in the cloud, but all other data, articles and other information can be stored and accessed as needed. We'll talk more about cloud storage in future articles. 
  • Do you have a work space that will allow you to be productive?  Think of an area of your home where you will work. Whether you camp out on your living room couch, on your kitchen table or you have a dedicated room in your home where you can work each day, your work space should be an area that will help you get as much done as possible.  

    Optimally, your work space should be an area that's free of distractions for a least an hour or two per day to be your most productive. Place all the items you need in your work space so that you can focus on building your business.  

    Choose a work space that will help maintain your focus. For example, if the phone is constantly ringing, the TV is blaring, the kids, and other family members are always stopping by, you will never reach your goals.  No matter where you work, especially in the beginning, make sure you have an area that is conducive to getting your business off to a great start.
  • Think about the arrangement that will work best with your lifestyle and goals. If you have decided to partner with an outside company, we've put together a few questions you should ask before signing on the dotted line. Grab your free download below.

Before Signing on the Dotted Line

Download our free guide for a few Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Company to Work With, no matter what business you choose. 

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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