August 2, 2016
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Are you finding that you're having to practically run people down to get them to talk to you about your business?

If so, I invite you to read this post, and learn about a simple concept called attraction marketing. This concept if done well, will change your business for good. 

Today, the Internet has changed the face of marketing.  Many businesses that were once failing are thriving because of the advantages of attraction marketing.

Listen On the Go!

We'll start by outlining the problems many online marketers are facing. Then we'll talk about how attraction marketing is helping marketers change lives (theirs an others) for the better. 

Old School Marketing

If you're in network marketing, direct sales, direct to consumer marketing or any business where you're selling products and services for a commission, you may have been taught to start your business by making a contact list of everyone you know. 

You may have been instructed to begin contacting the people on your list to tell them about your business.

Use attraction marketing if you want leads to contact you, versus hunting them down and finding that they are a dead end,

You might also be hosting home parties and hotel meetings to promote your business.

Home parties work by inviting friends, family and associates to come to your home or to a meeting room in a hotel to learn about products and/or a business building opportunity.

Both of these methods are known as old school marketing methods. 


These methods have been used by sales professionals since the beginning of time. And they used to be a really good way to start a business of any kind.

There was a time when the only way to reach potential customers was to leave catalogs, call them by phone and knock on doors.

Many people still use these methods to build life changing income.  So I'm not knocking these methods at all... as long as they work for you. 

However, the internet changed the way many businesses reach and market to potential customers.  

The new way of doing things uses a term called attraction marketing to reach new customers. And these online methods are what most successful people are using these days to promote products and services. 

The problem with old school approaches include:

  • Unless you already have a huge following when you start your business, the old school methods will lead to low income potential, frustration and failure.
  • Today's savvy consumers use the internet to make most of their buying decisions. No one wants to be hunted down while shopping or be called during family time. No one wants to be sold or talked into buying something they don't need or want. 
  • It's much easier to reach hundreds or thousands of people at one time using the internet vs. building a business by talking to people one by one,  

This is a list of just a few of the issues with old school marketing methods.  

As with everything, these methods served a great purpose in their time. But now it's time to move on to newer, updated methods that work for the majority of today's consumers. 

Does This Describe You?

If any of those scenarios describe your business, it's time to try a different approach.

  • Are you left wondering who you can talk to about your amazing products and services?
  • Are your prospects canceling appointments, not showing up or returning your calls or literally running in the opposite direction when they see you coming?
  • Are you tired of seeing others in your company consistently receive recognition and incentives, while you rack your brain to figure out how they are doing it?
  • Are you frequently stressed at the end of the month because you haven't reached your sales goals?
  • Are you making minimum wage in a business that you know has the potential to generate life changing income?

If you see yourself in one or more of these scenarios, it's time to gain clarity and take control of your business with attraction marketing.

What is Attraction Marketing?

Attraction marketing is used to describe the secret sauce used by successful online marketers. It's a series of systems and methods that will turn the tables in your business.  

Using attraction marketing will motivate your ideal customers, prospects and leads to run you down, seek you out and ask you about your business, and not the other way around.

It turns what used to be known as conventional or "old school" marketing on its head.

For example, instead of sending your friends, acquaintances, and family members unsolicited information about your products on social media, you begin with a targeted, qualified audience in mind. 

With attraction marketing you lead with value, not your products, services or company information.

Attraction marketers focus on solving specific problems for their prospects, educating and advising them on solutions that can be found using their products and services.

Attraction marketers recognize that not everyone is their potential customer.  They focus on qualifying prospects so that they are only talking to potential buyers. 

Attraction marketers know their audience and they don't waste their time talking to deadbeat leads.

The best thing about attraction marketing is that it uses technology to sort out and disqualify all the tire kickers, time wasters and those who suck the life out of your business.

Using attraction marketing concepts enables you to reach a much wider audience in a shorter amount of time, giving your productivity a well deserved boost.  
It leverages the power of the internet to create life changing income for those who are willing to put in the work.  

What Can You Expect When You Go Through the Coaching Modules Read the eBook?

You'll learn how the methods and systems work together to help you build a lifestyle business that can run from any location.

You will understand what is possible when you implement the concepts.

Best of all you'll learn about the rewards that come with using the internet to build your business.

You'll learn that you don't need a formal education, or a specific background to use these concepts. 

No Action, No Results

Now, I know that attraction marketing and business building is not for the faint of heart.

But if you want a thriving business that takes you out of the cubicle life, you have to be ready to do the work. No excuses. 

I've seen many a business owner who was enthusiastic about getting started with attraction marketing, only to throw their hands up in dismay after getting halfway through the bootcamp or eBook.  

So let me stop you here and explain something before we go further. 

These business owners weren't frustrated because of any shortcomings from the attraction marketing bootcamp or the eBook.  

They were disappointed because they thought that they would see major changes by winging it. They thought that half reading the book and half implementing the concepts would get them to where they need to be. They wanted a quick, overnight solution. 

Some never implemented the concepts at all. Yet, they think they can fake it until they make it. 

When you do that, you're only faking and fooling yourself.  

Your success in business and your financial future is riding on this, so don't fake yourself.  

Let me give you a heads up... If you sign up for the bootcamp or buy the eBook thinking you'll experience immediate success without putting in the work, you'll be very disappointed.

If you're not interested in investing in yourself, putting in the time, learning new ways of thinking about your business, and changing what you may have previously been taught about building an online business, this is totally not for you. 

Other than the lottery, there are no magic buttons that you can push to become a millionaire.  

This training (yes training) requires that you put in the time and energy to learn something new.

Implementation is Key

Success requires that you implement what you learn into your business.

It means taking calculated risks that will propel your business into the lifestyle business you've been working for. 

It also means that the first time you try something it may not work as expected. So you tweak it and try again. That's actually called A/B Testing

You may have to go into the community and ask a question to get answers when you experience a bump in the road.

What I'm trying to say is that in most cases, you won't be able to just read the eBook and get immediate riches. You won't get results unless you implement what you learn.

Before you get to your desired financial destination, you may experience a few (or more) stumbles and lessons learned along the way. 

Attraction marketing can be the tool you need to build a well oiled machine that gets you out of the cubicle life for good.

Use attraction marketing if you want leads to contact you, versus hunting them down and finding that they are a dead end,

Though attraction marketing has been around for a while, it's surprising how many people don't know how important it is in this era of online marketing.  

Additionally many people seem to be confused about how to implement the concepts. 

And because of that, they are not able to see something that has the potential to be a real game changer.

This is true especially for those who work from home, when it comes to their ability to generate life changing income.

Placing More Tools in Your Toolbox

If you're tired of making calls and facing hang ups, unanswered calls and overall rejection and frustration, the Attraction Marketing Formula is an additional tool for your marketing toolbox. 

Having people contact you about your business means they are interested in your content and they want to learn more.

And when you respond to that kind of contact, it puts you in a much better position to build a relationship or get a referral.

If you want leads to contact you, versus hunting them down and finding that they are dead ends, this ebook will become your roadmap to success.

It's Not Your Family's Fault

Unless you have built a true sphere of influence in your network you won't get far selling to friends and family using old school methods.

For example, if you're a total introvert with a smaller circle of close friends and you're not well known, it may take longer for friends and family members (your warm market) to have a true understanding of what it is you're promoting. 

Until then, they may not show much interest in buying your products or joining you in business.  

The great news is that can change at any time. If done well, a no may not be no forever. 

Following us and using tools like the Attraction Marketing Formula will keep you in front of prospects so that when they are ready, you will be there ready to help them.

Attraction marketing shows you how to position yourself as someone who knows what they are doing.

Its a tool that helps you to quickly educate those in your network about what you're doing and how your business works.  

The 10 Day Boot Camp Is Your Free Test Drive

If cold prospecting is not getting you the results you want, consider signing up for the free Attraction Marketing Formula 10 Day Recruiting Boot Camp

Even though the bootcamp's title references recruiting, the concepts can apply to any business model that relies on generating leads and sales to achieve success. 

It's taught by an MIT graduate and six figure earner who left his corporate job to start an online business. 

He talks about starting out, his stumbles along the way and the shift that lead to his current status. 

The bootcamp is convenient because it happens via email. You will receive one information packed email per day for 10 days.

It consists of a series of great business building concepts and tips that will help you build a thriving business.  All it takes is a little of your time each day to read the emails and implement the actions.

It gives you a totally different perspective and outlines proven methods that six figure earners have used to grow their business.

I would recommend going through the bootcamp and immersing yourself in the emails you'll receive. And of course you'll want to implement as many of the tips as much as possible.  

It's a free introduction to attraction marketing, and at the end of the boot camp, I think you'll be amazed at how much you've learned.

My Experience

I was somewhat skeptical at first too... I found out about the Attraction Marketing Formula on Facebook, as I was scrolling through on my phone.

When you stumble across something you haven't heard of before it's easy to be a little skeptical. 

However I was also tired of not getting results.  The boot camp was free and I had nothing to lose except my email address.  So I took the plunge. 

I was looking for a solution that I could implement within a reasonable amount of time and see incremental results over time.

I hadn't reached the point of total frustration or giving up, but I was tired of the only solution I was hearing... making phone calls to my warm market.  

I absolutely hated the idea of begging people to join my opportunity or buy my products.  It was awkward and hard. 

It was if the only reason I was reaching out to people was to sell them something.  I hate being approached that way.  

It felt fake and a little hypocritical because yes, it was true that I was only reaching out to certain friends and family members because I wanted to sell them something. It wasn't an authentic interaction and people could see right through it.

I found the Attraction Marketing Formula by accident.  but it sounded like a good fit for what I was looking for so I did what I'm suggesting to you. I started with the free bootcamp.

Before I finished the boot camp, I purchase the ebook, and I have never looked back. 

At the end of the ten day boot camp, you are invited to purchase the eBook for a $47.00 investment. 

There are also limited time offers that you can take advantage of as well.  In either case, the most you will pay is $47 and that's a small investment for the information you will receive.

Like the Bootcamp? Upgrade to the eBook

The primary difference between the boot camp and the ebook is the amount of detail.  

If you're skeptical and want to get your feet wet, sign up for the boot camp using the button above. 

If you like what you see in the boot camp, you'll definitely want to purchase the ebook. 

The eBook is a Step by Step Guide

Attraction marketing has changed online marketing forever!

The 188 page eBook can be read on any internet connected device. It details the concepts outlined in the boot camp. 

The Attraction Marketing Formula is an excellent resource for anyone who has a business, because it enables entrepreneurs to sell more and generate an endless stream of prospects who are ready to buy. 

At a minimum they will learn to create a never ending stream of people they can talk to about their business.   

It allowed me to turn the tables and have potential customers contacting me.

The ebook has become my "go to" resource for running effective marketing campaigns and a successful online business. 

Instead of approaching your audience from a place of neediness and desperation, you can approach them from a position of authority and confidence.

The systems perspective enables you to run your business on auto-pilot if you choose to.

Not a Network Marketer? No Problem

It doesn't matter if you're promoting a network marketing (MLM) business, a direct sales company, affiliate marketing, direct to consumer or any other business that needs to attract interested leads and prospects. 

The concepts and proven systems you'll learn about in the eBook can be used to create solutions designed to build relationships, generate leads and increase sales a in most any industry and business.

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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