September 30, 2018
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​Are you starting a new blog? Maybe you have an existing blog that you're ready to take to the next level. In either case, take a look at a few of the themes we will discuss in this post. ​

First, make sure you have a self-hosted blog or website. The themes we discuss ​​today are for self-hosted sites. They will not work on websites.

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blogging, premium themes, themes, blog

Fast, secure, mobile-responsive and SEO-friendly themes for your blog.

If you're a blogger, you ​should have an optimized theme ​that creates ​the look and feel of your blog. ​

Your theme is the face of your ​​site, giving you th​e ability to make a great first impression.  A great theme gives you an opportunity to ​​speak to potential customers, ​highlighting ​your best ​qualities.

​Free vs. P​remium, ​Which​ One is Best?

You'll find an infinite number of themes, both free and paid (also referred to as premium themes) ​ that look great at first glance.  â€‹â€‹

If you're interested in using your blog to build a business, your theme will play a​ huge role in how search engines and users respond to your content.  Whether you use a free or paid theme has a lot to do with what you want to accomplish. 

Free themes are a good fit if you are just starting out and you want a platform to provide information and build an audience. Free themes are great if you're blogging about a hobby, or ​providing news or general information about a certain topic. ​

However, as your business grows and you're ready to take your blog to the next level, ​you might want to build a list, collect information ​from and about your readers and sell products and services on your site.  At that point you will need a premium ​theme. 

A free theme ​probably ​won't give you the security, functionality or support you​ may need once you start doing things like processing payments, running reports and ​capturing user information.  â€‹

​Watch This Video for More Information

Transitioning from a Hobby to a Business

​When you're making the switch from a hobby ​site to a business site, there are some additional ​features that you should consider.  â€‹â€‹

If the goal of your ​blog is to ​earn income, you'll ​need an updated set of features. You'll need a theme that ​is eas​y to use, ​search engine optimized (SEO), great user support, security and of course ​a great look and feel.

You'll also want a theme that gives you the ability to build things like lead generation forms, landing pages, columns, buttons, special formatting, e-commerce functions, colors that match your brand, and more. 

Themes to Fit Your Industry

StudioPress combines​ expert knowledge​ of SEO, design, performance, security, support, and (of course) WordPress to help you build reliable, ​revenue generating sites. 

Clean, optimized code ​plus smart design architecture is important for achieving the best rankings possible. They have a wide range of themes and prices.

​Save When You Buy in Bulk

​Purchase an affordable subscription​ that gives you access to all their themes with hosting and save money.  Sign up for one of the WP Engine hosting packages. 

The package includes managed WordPress hosting, the Genesis framework, plus ​over 30 StudioPress themes and hosting and many more perks for one low quarterly or annual price.


Thrive Themes ​has conversion focused themes and plug-ins that help bloggers, writers and other content creators build quality ​blogs and sites in less time.  As a matter of fact, Thrive ​Architect was used to create this blog.

Thrive Themes also offers a membership that enables you to save when you access all their themes and plug-ins for one low price.

To learn more about Thrive Themes, take a look at their free, no-nonsense mini course that reveals: How to Build & Deploy Landing Pages in Record Time

​It's an insanely useful guide to building landing pages fast and then testing them until they're awesome.

​A Few High Quality Themes to Browse

Here are a few high quality themes from Thrive Themes and StudioPress that you might consider for your blog.

WordPress, Blogging

Use the Breakthrough Pro theme by StudioPress to demonstrate your work, services, creativity, and more—perfect for your next breakthrough moment!

Fast, secure, mobile-responsive and SEO-friendly themes for your blog.

​Build an amazing blog or website without touching a line of code!

Features:​ Breakthrough Pro

And as with all of our professional child themes, Breakthrough is compatible with Gutenberg.  StudioPress will be releasing updates to this theme with additional Gutenberg capabilities when Gutenberg is rolled into WordPress core! 

  • ​Theme Options - Use options to get up and running in minutes and start customizing your new site with just a few clicks of the mouse.
  • ​Theme Customizer - The theme customizer allows you to tweak the theme’s settings, colors, and content and see a preview of those changes in real time. 
  • ​Customizable Header - Upload your own logo with the press of a button. Full support for text-based logos for those just getting started.
  • eCommerce - This is a flexible eCommerce theme that is pre-styled for WooCommerce so you can easily set up your online store.
  • Widget Areas - Build up your site with 9 widget areas and a widgetized sidebar that you can customize to fit your brand.
  • Mobile Responsive - This theme is mobile responsive, meaning your website will be perfectly optimized for every browser, device, and screen size.

​Get ​Your StudioPress Theme

​Get your site up and running quickly with ​​a fast, secure, mobile responsive, SEO-friendly ​theme ​plus the Genesis Framework​! Find a theme that fits your industry and audience.

Don't start blogging until your have conversion optimized themes and secure, managed WordPress hosting.

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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