Build a High-Converting WordPress Website... by Yourself, with Drag and Drop Ease... Zero Coding Necessary

It's a given that having a website instantly boosts your credibility as a legitimate business. First impressions count and websites allow you to make a very strong impression, if done well.  A website can showcase your expertise and better position your business as trustworthy in the minds of potential customers. 

Unlock the full potential of your website with Thrive Suite. A powerful, conversion-focused toolset that includes a WordPress theme and plugins. This toolset makes it easy to create professional, high-converting websites.

With Thrive Suite, you'll be able to build landing pages, opt-in forms, sales pages, and more, all without any coding or design experience. Read this page, to learn more and start building your dream website today.

There has always been a tradeoff between a site that looks good and one that has brains.  In other words, it's been a struggle to build and maintain a site that looks great while helping you reach your sales and marketing goals.

More Information About Thrive Suite

Take a look at some of the tools included in Thrive Suite, you can use to build a powerful WordPress site. When you purchase Thrive Suite, you get all the tools below for one low price that you pay once per year. 

  • Automator
  • Apprentice
  • Comments
  • Ovation
  • Optimize
  • Leads
  • Quiz Builder
  • Ultimatum

If you have a WordPress site (these tools only work on WordPress) that uses another theme, you can buy the plugins separately. Thrive Suite is the tool we used to build this site. 

It's Okay to Fire Your Developer

There was a time when you had to hire a developer and fork over a ton of cash to have a great looking, highly profitable site. To make the smallest changes you had to rely on a developer to avoid "breaking the code " and "messing things up". In most cases, this process was time consuming and expensive. 

Today it's quite different.  You can create stunning websites, blogs and landing pages that look amazing, without a large outlay of cash, or experiencing the back and forth that normally occurs when working with a developer.

As a matter of fact, there are lots of "site builders" on the market today. And none of them are lacking when it comes to features and elements.  However the focus of the elements included in many site builders can be quite different.

Additionally, the way the elements work together can make the difference between a site that gets limited results, and one that gets amazing results. 

There's a difference between a builder that makes a site that "looks" good and one that is focused on conversion optimization.

Read on to learn about a tool that gives you the elements needed to build great looking posts and pages that will receive more engagement, leads, customers and fans... all in one membership that has elements that work together seamlessly. 

Make the Smart Move to Build on a Platform That You Control!

Build conversion focused sites on WordPress, the free and open-source content management system that includes a plugin architecture and a theme based system.

When you build a self hosted WordPress site you open the door to business building tools and resources you don't get on other platforms. Using the sales and marketing tools described on this page, you'll be able to create eCommerce shops, landing pages, lead generation forms, quizzes, online courses, evergreen scarcity campaigns, and more... with an easy to use, drag and drop, all in one sales and marketing tool. 

In addition to all those features, this tool has a built in testing engine that makes it easy to quickly learn what really works and use that knowledge to improve. With a platform you control, it's easy to gather data that you can use to make better business decisions. 

Fire your developer and easily turn your WordPress site into a full-blown online business!

Step by Step Training Included

With Thrive Suite, not only do you receive a phenomenal sales and marketing tool, you'll have free access to an entire library of in-depth training material and courses, focused on creating and optimizing high converting pages and websites.

It's Easy to Optimize WordPress to Work for You 24/7!

You have to consider that you can't put the cart before the horse. You'll need to build a house before you can start inviting guests... If your business looks good, but is not ready to promote products, generate leads and sales and accept payment, you can't expect potential customers to stick around long. 

The bottom line is, what good is a "pretty looking" site if it doesn't help your business?

If you've got a pretty looking site that is taking your business down the road to nowhere fast, consider investing in a world class theme that also gives you the tools you need to promote your business.

If you're trying to save money and investing in a free theme or one that has limited functionality, it may be time to make a change. And we have the perfect solution.

Build a Site That's Pretty With Brains!

You need a great looking site that converts visitors to customers. Your site should function to help you reach your sales and marketing goals over anything else. In essence, you need a pretty looking site with brains. 

With the right tools and free training, it's possible to build fully customized WordPress websites that work to do just that, much faster than you ever believed possible.

To reach the goal of earning consistent monthly income, this is the reality... Having the right tools makes any job easier This includes the task of building a conversion focused WordPress site.  

On the flip side of the coin, you don't want a lackluster site that only displays your content without helping you build conversions. When you have a lackluster site, it doesn't generate interest or enthusiasm for what you have to offer, so no one will click or buy.

Additionally, without interactive tools, sales and marketing focused pages and a way to follow up, your business will most certainly suffer. 

After all, you only get one chance to make a great first impression. Read through this page to learn more about this tool and how it can help your business. 

What It Means to Have a Conversion Focused Site

A conversion focused website functions in a way that sifts through visitors who land on your site to determine who is interested in what you have to offer, and those who are not interested.  

It provides the right information to the right visitors at the right time. For example, someone who has just determined that they need a product like yours may be in the research phase and looking for information. This person isn't ready to receive a quick blurb about your products and a "buy now" button. They need more information before they will be ready to buy. 

Your site shouldn't apply a one size fits all approach to your business. To convert the most visitors to customers, you need an approach that is based on where potential customers are in the buying process.

A conversion focused website enables business owners to set up and test systems that will take visitors through a buying journey that includes each stage of the buying process.

For example, if your visitor is researching solutions and browsing for information, a conversion focused site will enable them to shop or read about your solutions. If they like what they see, they can sign up to get detailed information and learn what it's like to work with you.

During this stage, the visitor would automatically become a lead for your company! This is considered the first conversion.

Once they become a lead, a conversion focused site will automatically send regular communications to your new lead, that will help them learn more and decide whether your solutions are a good fit. 

As your leads continue to move forward through your system, if your marketing is done well, they will eventually buy something.

A conversion focused WordPress site enables business owners to make it easy for customers to shop and pay for their product selections. When your lead buys something, this is the second conversion. And the process continues. 

A conversion focused site works in the background 24/7, while you're focused on other things, like growing your business or spending time with the people who matter most. 

It makes the buying process easy and even fun for your visitors whether it's the middle of the day or the wee hours of the morning. Your business can run without you having to be there to provide information or process payments. 

This tool delivers all the sales and marketing tools and functionality you need to convert more visitors into leads and more leads into customers.

Built in A/B Testing

Thrive Suite comes with an A/B testing engine that allows you to determine the content gets the best results. Set it up once, gather data and measure the outcome.

The Membership That Has It All!

Get the conversion focused features described below (and more) for one low price. This tool is designed to help you convert more visitors into leads, and leads into customers!

Build Your Website

Build a fully customized WordPress website faster than you ever believed possible.

Create Landing Pages & Funnels

Once you have a site, create and test landing pages and funnels with 200+ landing page templates.

Build an Email List

Add opt-in forms: ribbons, slide-ins, pop-ups, welcome mats, yes/no, and more, in just a few clicks.

Get Curious with Quizzes

Reap the benefits of knowing your audience inside out and never worry about coming up with blog post and content topics.

Create and Sell Online Courses

Your knowledge is valuable. Packaging it in a course can take your online business to the next level. Sell course from WordPress.


Build smart automations that allow you to build workflows to pass data between the different apps, plugins and services

Who Can Benefit From This All in One Sales Tool


Business Owners
  • Fire your developer, because you will be able to build a everything you'll need to run effective marketing campaigns with one drag and drop tool. All for one affordable price.
  • Create a simple income generating system that works 24/7.

Learn More


Web Designers
  • Use the tools to build sites for your clients using WordPress. With the agency license you can install it on up to 50 sites for one low price.
  • Just think, if you build 50 sites in one year, and you charge $1000 per site, that's $50,000 per year! Not bad!

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  • Use this tool in your business (like us) and share it with your audience. Earn residual affiliate commissions each time someone you refer buys the membership.
  • Earn commissions for up to two years with their affiliate cookie duration. 

Learn More

Membership Pricing

Purchase this membership for one low quarterly or annual price. When you break down the annual price equals about $25 per month, which is really affordable.

Choosing either plan gives you time... an entire 4 months to a year to get your site set up and profitable without having to worry about paying for the tools you'll need to be successful. You'll have access to all the membership tools and training to get results quickly.

If you're a graphic designer or website developer, purchase the quarterly or annual plan for your business and try it out. If you like it, buy an agency license to create sites for your clients.

  • All themes and related plugins
  • A variety of themes included
  • Unlimited support
  • Unlimited updates
  • Access to free courses, videos and training
  • Install on up to 5 websites
  • 30 day money back guarantee




Equals about $33.00 per month

  • Unlimited updates
  • Unlimited support
  • Build up to 50 client websites
  • 300+ pre-built landing pages
  • Thousands of pre-built templates
  • Sell fully customized websites using a phenomenal site builder




Equals about $49.00 per month

Get Every Tool (and Training) Necessary to Build and Grow Your Online Business at Drag & Drop Speed

It's Time to Start Getting Results!

If you're serious about getting results with your business, click the button below to purchase the membership. Access the tools, training (that shows you how to use it) and a free support community. 

Need Help Building a Site with Thrive Suite? No Problem. We'll Build It For You!

We will install it on your WordPress site. If you don't have WordPress, we will install WordPress for you as well! Purchase Thrive Suite separately. 

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If, for any reason, you don't like the membership, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your first purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with the support team and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

30 Day

