February 3, 2022
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This tutorial expands on our discussion of social media automation, and how it works to help you grow and scale your online business. When you set up the tools we'll discuss, you'll have your first sales and marketing system.

You'll create a system that generates leads and sales for your business without absorbing all of your time and attention.

This system will work to drive your ideal prospects and repeat visitors (traffic) to your business. Another reason you'll love this tutorial, is that it will help you make the best use of your time.

For example, you might be a solopreneur, or a one man operation who spends a good portion of the day posting to social media. I get it... if you're just starting out, you may not have the budget to hire a social media manager, so you do it yourself.  

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It will show you how to leverage automation to be effective and productive when it comes to promoting your business. It will help you understand that automation will work to help you accomplish your sales and marketing goals while also focusing on other aspects of your business. 

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Wearing Too Many Hats

As you probably know, doing everything yourself can get old, burning you out, causing you to lose money and spin your wheels.  Doing everything yourself, limits your ability to be effective.  After all you're just one person.

Tired and depleted business owners are not in a good position to make great decisions. 

At some point, it will be important to find an automation tool that will help you manage your work, or hire someone to perform "must have" tasks like social media marketing. 

As a business owner you wear many hats. It can become overwhelming. If you're spending your day posting online, it could be costing you sales.

This tutorial will help you choose a posting tool that will help you use social media automation to grow your business.

Social Media Automation Saves You Time

If you're just starting out, the time you're spending on tasks like social media, and working "in" your business, can be much better spent. If you want to make the best use of your time, you'll love this guide. 

Instead of working "in" your business, you'll want to work "on" your business.  You want to shift to spending your time networking with potential customers, growing and earning.

This article will include a comparison of Post Planner, Tailwind, TweetDeck and Canva.  Finding the tool that works best for you, and setting them up the right way to promote your business will enable you to reach a wider audience, while you work on other things.

The ultimate goal is to lead potential customers and clients down a path that will enable them to learn more about your business and invite them into your community. 

Why You're On Social Media to Begin With

As a business owner the reason you're on social media is because it's the most cost effective way to each your ideal audience. Your ideal customers are hanging out o social media, and it's a great way to find and connect with people as they are interacting on popular social channels. 

Social media is used and provides many advantages in a company's recruitment, marketing, customer service, and sales.

How to Plan Your Content

To be effective, it's important to create a plan each week that focuses on a topic that your ideal customers will want to see. To make your campaign effective, choose images, text and destination links to promote your business.

You can schedule posts for a particular time of day, and on which days. You can plan in bulk for the week, month or quarter, post in bulk and get it off your plate... 

These social media scheduling tools are affordable platforms business owners can use to automate social media posting.

1. The All in One Tool Called Post Planner 

This tool has everything you need, to run a successful campaign for your business. It not only gives you the ability to post your content, you can also curate content created by others. 

You can set it up with Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram. The application allows you to set up time blocks that you can use to schedule your posts. It gives you a consistent social media presence. 

Your social media campaigns work best when you include your own content, of course, but it also works well when you share content created by others.  

As part of your social media strategy, it's a great idea to network with other business owners that complement what you do, and share their content with your audience in your social media feed. 

Hopefully, the other businesses you share in your feed will do the same, and share your content with their audience.

PostPlanner has various pricing tiers that you can select based on your needs. The video above will give you some insight on how it works.

2. New Improvements for the Tailwind App

The Tailwind app has had a few new updates in recent months that will enable you to set up your Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram accounts for scheduled posting. There is also the new Ghostwriter artificial intelligence tool that enables you to post quality content faster than ever before.

Before, you could only use Tailwind with Pinterest and Instagram, so that's an improvement if you're on Facebook.

They have also restructured their pricing, including their forever free plan and others to make it affordable, no matter the size of your budget.

You can plan your posts using their scheduling tool and interact with other users in communities, formerly called "tribes." This means you can also curate other people's content and network with people who are in businesses that compliment what you are promoting.. 

They have a convenient mobile app for Android and iOs, that will enable you to also post on the go. There is also a browser app that can make posting content much easier.  So whether you're working on a desktop, laptop or cell phone you can plan, post and automate your advertising campaigns. 

Check out their pricing here and learn more by watching the video above.

3. Tweetdeck, a Free Social Planning Resource

Tweetdeck is a free tool that can be used with Twitter accounts. it's set up similar to Hootsuite, where you can add streams of content for each social media account. 

You can see the activity on each account and share content, mention others, or create and interact with companies you have added to your lists.

Tweetdeck is an excellent tool that can be used to totally manage my Twitter accounts. Learn more about it by watching the video above.

4. The Little Known Feature for Canva Pro Users

Canva is a great graphic design tool for non-graphic designers, providing you with tools you can use to create perfect images for your social media or advertising pieces, without spending a dime.

If you are using Canva free on a daily basis, you may want to consider upgrading to the paid version, Canva Pro to access additional features you might not be aware of.

Canva Pro is a subscription service that’s aimed at social media managers or small business owners. If you're using Canva Pro, it may 

Canva is known for graphic design for businesses of all sizes. However there is a feature that they are not known for.  Sharing and scheduling the images you create on the platform. 

Every advertising campaign needs visual elements that will attract people to your business.  

Canva gives you an easy way to create images, with the free and pro plan. But only the pro plan gives you the ability to schedule social posting on eight different platforms.

You can also share and download your files to applications like PowerPoint, Instagram Business, Facebook Page, Twitter, Email, Facebook Groups you manage, Google Drive, Mailchimp, and Pinterest to name a few.

Compare the features and pricing you'll receive with the free versus pro plans and determine which one is best for you. 

If you're interested in using Canva, check out the video above for tips on how to use is.

Advertising Doesn't Have to Break the Bank

These social media automation tools will give you affordable solutions you can use to put the front end of your business on auto-pilot.

Social media is the first exposure people in your target audience will have to see what you have to offer. Your advertising campaigns are your first opportunity to make a great first impression.

Using these tools will enable you to implement plan that will set you up for success.

Focusing on what you're posting each day helps you understand what works. Sharing other business owners' content can open doors to the next opportunity. The consistency alone that comes from using these tools can help you build an amazing business.

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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Use the Tailwind App

Grow Smarter on Social Media!

When It Comes to Promoting and Marketing Your Business, Tailwind Gets You 90% of the Way to "Done"  in Seconds Instead of Hours!
