Creating High-Converting Emails and Newsletters Week After Week is Hard

Save time and frustration by using artificial intelligence (AI) to instantly generate unique ideas, images, and copy for news and emails your subscribers will love.

Write dazzling, image-rich newsletters your subscribers will love, no matter what niche you're in!

Email is one of the best ways to build an audience of people you can talk to about your business. When you have an engaged, loyal audience of people, your email becomes a business asset that you can't live without. 

Email is where you get to follow up, answer questions and build the know, like and trust factor that leads to trust, loyalty and sales. 

However... creating great newsletters and emails is time consuming. You need topics, sections, images, and copy that grabs attention, engages and is on target with your audience. 

And it's not like you can perform these tasks once and be done. To be effective, and keep your relationships strong, these tasks have to occur day after day, week after week. 

It's virtually impossible to keep your subscribers interested at all times, even when you have a team of writers!

Join 30,000+ marketers who are using AI to craft hyper-specific weekly newsletters that stand out from the competition, nurture lifelong subscribers, all without the headache.

Would you like to write high converting emails 10x faster?

If so, check out Hoppy Copy a web-based software that uses advanced AI to write high-quality email marketing copy quickly. With this AI-powered platform, you can quickly create powerful copy for a variety of email marketing campaigns, drips, newsletters, and more.

For example this tool will help you perform the simple tasks below to quickly create amazing emails your audience will love receiving.  Try it out for free, no credit card required.



Get weekly ideas for engaging new content topics and sections that connect with your audience.



Automatically create captivating copy and imagery that resonates with your audience.



Use AI to tweak and edit, then send with your email software of choice.

Say Goodbye to Long Hours of Struggling for What to Say

If you're like me and you're ready to wave goodbye 👋🏼 to those long, drawn-out hours of writing emails that no one even reads, take a look at this email writing tool will have you writing killer email campaigns in no time. You'll save loads of time and ensure that your emails get the attention they deserve.

If this sounds interesting and you want to learn more, check it out to see if it's a good fit for your business and get started for free.  

Not Quite Ready to Hop On Board with Artificial Intelligence? 

If you're not quite ready to use artificial intelligence, but you still need help with what to write in your emails, get this free guide that gives you some really great tips and 45+ fill in the blank templates to jump start your writing process. 

Free Download

Guide: What to Write In Your Emails

Including 45+ Fill in the Blank Email Templates

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