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  • Podcast Episode 1: Your Step by Step Guide to Building an Effective Email List

This episode is about email marketing and how to get started building or improving a list of subscribers.

This is an episode you don't want to miss, because regular communication with your audience through a free email subscription, creates an invaluable asset for your business.

Your "list" becomes a community of people who know, like and trust you. This is something that you shouldn't overlook, and it can't be stressed enough.

It's an asset that gives you the ability to contact people who really want to hear about your products, services, events, announcements, and more.

Once your audience has grown to a certain point, you will never have to worry about where your next sale will come from again. 

It will eliminate the need for wasting money on ads, and give you data you can use to scale your business.

Automate Your Email Campaigns

A 62 page printable workbook that shows you how to set up your business for continuous sales!

Is Email Working for You?

You may have an email list, but is it working to help you build a community of people who you can talk to about your business?

It's important to ask a few questions if you have an email list. First, are you emailing your list on a consistent basis? Next, what percentage of subscribers actually open your emails? 

Is your list growing or declining?

If your messages are falling on deaf ears, one or more elements below will need sprucing up.

This episode covers the building blocks (elements) you'll need to create an email marketing (lead generation) system that works for you, delivering your marketing messages, helping you earn 24/7.

We also have a course that you can take to learn more about building a lead generation system using email marketing.

Episode Highlights

Here are the steps you'll learn about in this episode: 

  • Sign up for an Email Marketing Provider - This company will be instrumental in helping you grow your business. It will be responsible for storing your prospect's contact information, providing the connection between your site with your email provider and distributing your emails to your subscribers (leads). 
  • Identify a Persona of Your Ideal Customer - It's important to know the persona that represents the person who is the best fit for your products, identifying the people you want to reach with your marketing messages.  
  • A Lead Magnet - Is a valuable incentive created to solve a problem or challenge for your ideal customers, and it's given away to attract new leads to a business in exchange for their email address and/or phone number (for SMS texts). Knowing your ideal customers is a requirement for creating a valuable lead magnet. 
  • An Opt In Form - This is where your prospects will enter their contact information so that they can receive your lead magnet. 
  • A Landing Page - The goal of a landing page is to convert visitors to leads and leads to customers. It houses the opt-in form, lead magnet, 
  • A Thank you Page - This is where you thank your ideal customers for their subscription or the action they took to support your business. 
  • An Email Nurture Series - This is your opportunity within a 3- 5 day email series, to deliver your lead magnet, explain how it works and educate your new lead about the problems it solves, making sure they know how your lead magnet will help them. Toward the end of the series it's a great time to introduce a paid upgrade that provides a more comprehensive solution.

Resources Mentioned in the Episode

Your Business Needs an Audience

Check Out the Course and Take the First Lesson on Us!

Discover how to use email to build an audience of people who can't wait to hear from you and buy your products!

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