February 23, 2023
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Many people are looking for ways to increase their earning potential from home. And if you're one of those people, you'll want to read this article for ways to bring in extra money that are free to start.

You'll learn about opportunities that have the potential to give you more time freedom, as you can create systems that allow for passive income.

Starting a business can lead to lots of additional opportunities. For example, as your business grows, you can hire a team to handle some of the workload, and you'll have the ability to create something that is uniquely your own that can grow and create additional opportunities in your community over time.

If you're looking for a way to get started with an online business that is virtually free to start, take a look at the following business models. These models are totally free to start.

And while at some point, once you starting selling products and earning money, you will have to spend money, these methods can be a great way to position yourself to earn full or part time income.

These business models are an excellent way to start your online business journey without breaking the bank. 

1. Open an eCommerce Shop

You can start an online business by opening an eCommerce shop, selling products you make, (a handmade business) or products made by other companies as in affiliate marketing. Read more about affiliate marketing below.  

Some platforms you might consider include Etsy, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace to sell physical products you make or find.

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One of the most popular ways to get started is by opening an Etsy store for free. Yes, that's right, you can open an Etsy store for free and on top of that, you can list your first 40 items for free as well.

To get 40 free listings,  you will have to use a special code from an existing Etsy user. To use our code, and receive a full tutorial that walks you through setting up an Etsy shop, click here

If you don't use the code from an existing Etsy user, you will pay $.20 for each new listing you place on the platform. So using the code will save you $8.00 off the price of your first listings. 

That means that you can start selling physical or digital products in an Etsy store without spending any money upfront. 

When you'll need to invest money. You won't need money running an Etsy store until you start selling items. Etsy charges a fee for each item you sell. 

After you list your 40th item, all new listings going forward will be charged $.20 each, on top of the fees you'll be charged when items sell. 

An Effective Strategy.  Promote your Etsy store and keep your inventory at 40 items until you build momentum and start earning money.

Once you've reached your initial income goals, start adding more products on a regular basis, making sure to promote, promote, promote

A Word About Selling Physical Products

Something to keep in mind when selling physical products is that these kinds of products are hard to sell for no investment whatsoever. 

You can sell products you own, or products that are already in your possession. However to acquire more products you will have to buy more of the item and sell it at a profit.

Additionally, you will have to pay for shipping once you have made a sale.

For this reason, we don't include selling physical products as a great way to get started for free.

To earn money that can be used to help you start a business, it's a wonderful idea to sell product you already have.

Products like old clothing, gadgets, electronics, tools, and more on platforms like eBay, Facebook marketplace and other free platforms that allow you to sell items.

Extend Your Reach

If you're wondering where to post your content for maximum exposure, check out our list of 31+ profitable places to post your content.

2. Start a Print on Demand Business

One of the primary benefits of starting a print on demand business is that you can sell physical products without having to maintain inventory. 

If you're into graphic design, you can place your designs on products from A to Z, and only pay for shipping when a product sells. 

To start a print on demand business, you can use platforms like Printful, Printify, Redbubble or Society6 to create and sell designs on items like T-shirts, phone cases, and stickers.

You could start a fashion line, a graphic t-shirt business or a housewares store and pay to source and ship products as your customers place orders. 

When You'll Need Money. You'll need to pay your print on demand partner when an order is placed. You'll pay for the item ordered as well as the shipping costs required to get the item from the print on demand partner's location to your customer. 

If you use Etsy as your marketplace, you'll also need to pay Etsy fees. If you use another marketplace, you will need to pay any associated fees for their services. 

An Effective Strategy. Pair your print on demand business with a free marketplace that allows for free listings. You can also sell your items on an eCommerce platform like Etsy and you'll be able to list 40 item for free. 

To get your 40 free listings, keep in mind that you have to use the code of an existing user. If you don't use the code from an existing Etsy user, you will pay $.20 for each new listing you place on the platform. So using the code will save you $8.00 off the price of your first listings. 

You can also start your own blog and eCommerce store through WordPress and WooCommerce and sell your items there. You will need to pay for your domain and hosting but WordPress and WooCommerce are free platforms. 

3. Sell Business Services

If you know how to perform certain functions like virtual assisting, payroll, budgeting, web design, online marketing, creating travel itineraries, email marketing, consulting, etc., you can sell those services to other business owners. 

You can sell your services using platforms like Fiverr or Upwork to offer services like writing, design, or social media management.

You can sell your services on an hourly or retainer structure and work with clients on a regular or as needed basis.

An Effective Strategy. Build a website that allows you to position yourself as an authority in your niche. Use an app or software that allows potential clients to book your services when needed. Promote your services and run your business like a business (versus a hobby) and ask your clients for testimonials and referrals. 

When you'll need money. You'll need money to get your platform (website) established and advertising to business owners in your niche.  You should factor in expenses and the cost your time when setting the price for your services. 

4. Selling Digital Products

Digital products are free to create, and there are loads of different types of products you can offer. 

Digital products are free to create when you use tools like Canva (the free version) and they are delivered to your customers electronically, as soon as the payment is confirmed.

There are no charges for shipping or delivery, no order tracking or wondering when a customer will receive their items. 

You can sell digital products on free platforms and marketplaces like Etsy and get started for free, listing your first 40 products for free.

Keep in mind that to get the free listing, you have to use the code from an existing user. If you don't use the code from an existing Etsy user, you will pay $.20 for each new listing you place on the platform. So using the code will save you $8.00 off the price of your first listings.  

An Effective Strategy. You can use a YouTube channel to promote your digital products, making videos that show your customers how to use them.

These videos can serve as marketing materials and demonstrations that show how to use them to solve problems. 

You can also sell digital products using a free website platform like WordPress and a free eCommerce platform like WooCommerce. 

Another free website platform you can use for digital products is Payhip. You can list products for free and only pay 5% when you sell a product. 

Later on when you start making more sales you can upgrade and pay a fee and they reduce their commission to 2% or 0%, depending on the plan you're on.

With Payhip you can start an affiliate program for your products from the start. Having an affiliate program incentives people to help you spread the word about your business, creating more backlinks to your content.

So that means you will be able to reach a lot more people than the people that follow you online or subscribe to your mailing list. 

Sendowl, is another platform you can use to sell digital products.

You'll just have to do the math and see what is the best option for you.

When you'll need money. You'll need money when your digital products sell. If you use a platform like Etsy, they will take their fees from any products you sell. Any products you list after the first 40 listings (using a referral code from an existing user) will be charged a fee of $.20 for each you listing you place on the platform. 

5. Affiliate Marketing

It doesn't cost anything to become an affiliate. As an affiliate marketer, you would join with an affiliate partner as a publisher. To publish content about affiliate products you will need a place online (like a website, blog, eCommerce store or video channel) that you can use to promote products and services. 

There are free popular platforms you can use to promote affiliate products. One that immediately comes to mind is YouTube. You can start a YouTube channel for free, all you need is a Gmail account. Learn more about video marketing and how it can help your business. 

Once you're approved you will receive a unique code or URL. This let's the advertising company track your results.

Most companies will give high-performing affiliates better terms, like higher commissions, in exchange for making a certain amount of sales.

You'll earn a commission from 5% - 30% (or more) of the sale price as an affiliate when you sell other people's products. Being an affiliate means you can earn a one time fee or a recurring fee that can add up to a consistent monthly commission. 

As an affiliate you don't have to carry inventory or make products yourself.

The main thing you need to do to be successful, is work with other brands and consistently promote their products.

The best way to get started is to convince them that you will be good at referring potential customers to their business. 

If you have a platform (website, blog, YouTube channel, etc.) and a following of your own, you will have a much better chance of landing a partnership with the best programs. 

Things to look for in a program. You'll want to join programs that have products that will appeal to your ideal customers. Products and themes that will help them solve problems and make a transformation. 

Next you'll want to join affiliate programs for popular brands. Retail stores are a great place to start because everyone shops at stores like Amazon, Walmart, Kohl's and more. They don't pay high commissions, but they are a great way to get started. 

You'll also want to join programs that offer a commission that is competitive and in line with your income goals. When starting out keep in mind that you may not command higher commissions, but something is better than nothing to get started. 

New entrepreneurs start affiliate marketing with the Amazon Affiliate Program, even though Amazon offers a lower commission structure. 

Even with the low commissions, a prime benefit of working with Amazon is that most everyone shops there, and they have almost any product you can imagine, including food (Whole Foods).

Start your own affiliate program. You can also start an affiliate program for your business. According to an article by Forbes, choosing affiliates wisely can significantly expand your reach into new audiences.

Running your own affiliate program would put you on the other side of the affiliate equation. You would work with affiliates as an advertiser

Using this affiliate advertising method for your business can give you a global footprint, putting your brand in front of thousands of new shoppers for less effort. 

Some of the largest affiliate networks include Shareasale, Commission Junction, Impact Radius,  and more. These companies work with advertisers to help them run effective affiliate programs. They handle the administrative issues so that you don't have to.

When starting a business, it's also important to ensure that you set up a structure that minimizes your financial liability.

Once you choose a business, start working to understand the difference between starting your business as a sole proprietor and an LLC. 

Finally, this article dispels the myth that starting an online business costs a lot of money.

As you can see, getting started is a matter of finding a product, choosing a niche and selecting a business model that fits your needs. Finally the most important step is to set goals, and get started.

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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