December 3, 2023
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As we step into the new year, it's time to think about ways to supercharge your business with simple, effective and budget-friendly marketing strategies. The strategies discussed here can be implemented for free, and used to start a new business or added on to an existing business.

We'll explore three powerful avenues for growth that won't break the bank – email marketing, affiliate marketing, and digital products.

Discover how integrating just one of these free methods can propel your business to new heights in the coming year.

 1. Harnessing the Power of Email Marketing

If you don't have a list, or if you want to improve an existing list, watch the video below to set up an email marketing system for free with aWeber. If you have access to a landing page on another platform, you can still use the steps outlined in the video to set up a place that you can send visitors to become leads.

You can use this system to grow a list that will eventually become an audience and a community of people who know, like and trust you.

Once your system is set up, the next step will be to create an email welcome series for new subscribers. 

Sending regular emails to your list (of course you have a list, right?) can be a game-changer for business owners looking to build and expand an online business, especially in diverse niches. The benefits are numerous for entrepreneurs seeking to connect with their audience and boost revenue.

Implementing a simple newsletter can benefit your business in the following ways:

  • Helps You Form a Direct Connection with Your Audience: Email marketing enables you to establish a direct and personal connection with your audience, fostering brand loyalty and trust.
  • Cost-Effective Communication: You can get started with an email marketing provider like aWeber for free and gain many automated resources you can use to communicate with your new and existing audience members. Compared to traditional advertising, email marketing is a cost-effective way to communicate with your audience, providing a high return on investment.
  • Segmentation for Targeted Campaigns: Segment your email lists based on customer behavior and preferences, allowing you to tailor your communication for maximum impact.

Start sending your email newsletter to subscribers including your customers, potential customers and social media followers.

Regularly post a link to sign up for your list on social media. Consistently invite your friends and set up systems that will invite people in your target audience to sign up for your list to learn more about your business and understand what you do.

Content Ideas to Include in Your Newsletter

Share specific types of content (pick the ones that are relevant to your business) to grow your audience:

  • Founder’s Story: Share your personal entrepreneurial journey, highlighting key lessons and insights.
  • Success Case Studies: Showcase success stories of entrepreneurs who implemented strategies from your blog and achieved remarkable results.
  • Quick Hacks: Share short, actionable business hacks that entrepreneurs can implement right away.
  • Weekly Business Challenge: Introduce a weekly business challenge inspired by your blog posts and encourage participation.
  • Live Q&A with Experts: Host live Q&A sessions with industry experts to discuss business-building tips and answer audience questions.
  • Planning Tips: Provide practical tips on planning, and managing various business growth strategies.
  • Productivity Boosters: Share strategies and tools to enhance productivity and time management for entrepreneurs.
  • Interactive Polls: Engage your audience with polls to gather insights on specific business strategies.

Send your newsletter 1-3 days per week or each time you post new content and include a link to sign up in each email message. Include a call to action that asks subscribers to share your newsletter with their friends and family who might benefit from your content.

2. Leveraging the Strength of Affiliate Marketing

Your business can benefit in the following ways:

  • Cost-Effective Advertising: Affiliate programs cost nothing to join. And they allow you to tap into a network of brands, influencers and partnerships, earning a commission for each sale, when you promote other people’s products. This means you can earn without maintaining inventory, worrying about distribution costs, or incurring other upfront costs.
  • Performance-Based Rewards: Affiliates are paid based on their performance, which makes it a win for both parties. You win when you generating sales and the affiliate advertiser wins because they only spend money on marketing that generates actual results.
  • Broader Audience Reach: Expand your business reach by forming partnerships and leveraging the name recognition associated with major brands, building credibility and attracting potential customers you might not have access to through traditional marketing methods.

Partner with affiliate brands that you are already doing business with to improve your chances of being accepted to various programs. Possible examples include the companies where you purchase the supplies, material and tools used to run your business. Learn about how affiliate marketers get paid and determine which method is best for you.

Items Needed to Promote Affiliate Products

Work with affiliate partners that you have an existing relationship with, find programs in your niche and show them that you have an audience that would enjoy using their products and services.

3. Monetizing Your Expertise with Digital Products

By creating, packaging and selling digital products such as e-books, online courses, or downloadable resources, you’re not only sharing your wealth of experience but also establishing yourself as an authority in your niche.

This strategy not only diversifies your income streams but allows you to reach a broader audience globally. Imagine the satisfaction of seeing your insights empower others and witnessing the positive impact on their lives and businesses.

Your business will benefit in the following ways:

  • Passive Income Streams: Create and sell digital products such as e-books, online courses, or templates, establishing additional revenue streams with minimal ongoing effort.
  • Showcasing Expertise: Digital products position you as an expert in your field, enhancing your brand authority and attracting a dedicated following.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Easily scale your business by selling digital products to a global audience, and update and expand your offerings with minimal overhead.

Learn to create digital products for free and platforms you can use to grow and generate passive income. Read our article on ten types of digital products you can create and sell online.

Get Started with the Roadmaps Highlighted in These eBooks:

Click the buttons below each book to make a purchase and start implementing these strategies today.

Digital products provide a scalable and passive income model, offering the flexibility to focus on other aspects of your business or even explore new creative pursuits. Seize this opportunity to not only monetize your expertise but to inspire and empower fellow entrepreneurs, fostering a community built on shared success and continuous growth.

Embrace the new year with a strategic focus on these three free and impactful methods – email marketing, affiliate marketing, and digital products. By integrating these approaches into your business plan, you’ll not only save costs but also set the stage for sustainable growth and success. Get ready to elevate your online business to new heights in the coming year!

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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