January 22, 2024
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Are you a digital product creator or someone who loves to design, illustrate, take pictures or come up with ideas that solve problems? Are you thinking of starting a business but you're not sure where to start?

Are you an existing business owner with a variety of digital products (also called printables) that you offer customers in your shop, marketplace or platform of choice? If so, you're in the right place. This post is about one of the many ways you can expand your business to bring in regular income while providing extra value for your customers. 

We're talking about starting a membership or subscription service for your digital product business. Consider that while you're running a digital product business, you're building a customer base, and a following that wants to keep in touch with you.

The question is, how can you keep in touch in a way that really engages your customers and creates a real sense of community? By starting a membership or subscription program. 

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You  may be looking for ways to grow and expand your business. There are a number of great reasons to start a membership or subscription site. 

Free Guide!

Build your dream business for free with a guide that walks you through building a digital product business! Includes audio and links to additional tools and resources. 

The Benefits of Adding a Membership or Subscription Program to Your Business

Selling digital products as part of a membership (or subscription) can add significant value for your members and create a sustainable revenue stream that you can count on as long as customers are part of your program. 

A membership or subscription service is especially good for digital product creators because as the product creator, you have total control over the products you create for your audience, the quality of your products and pricing. 

To start a membership you would offer deals, bundles and special combinations of products that will motivate your audience to join and become part of your community to obtain access to the exclusive goodies you offer.  It's important to provide an incentive to motivate your customers to get signed up. Your customers would sign up for your membership to access resources that are valuable to them, saving them time, making their lives easier or both. 

Memberships in Action

The picture shows holiday themed social media templates that can be used to build a following without starting from scratch. New packs, worksheets, courses can be bundled and rolled out each month and sold in a membership or subscription program. 

5 Ideas You Can Use to Start a Membership or Subscription Service

Here are five ideas digital product creators can offer as part of a membership or subscription service:

1. Exclusive Courses or Workshops

To get started offering courses and workshops you'll need a LMS (learning management system) that will serve as a platform for your courses. You'll need a way to lock down your courses so that only those who have purchased the course will have access. 

  • Develop in-depth courses or workshops that provide valuable insights or skills related to your niche.
  • Offer exclusive access to educational resources only to your members.
  • Include video tutorials, downloadable materials and quizzes to enhance the learning experience.

2. Digital Downloads and Resources

Give your audience a "go to" place that has an exclusive line of useful resources designed to help them reach their goals and solve problems, save time and add convenience.

  • Create a library of downloadable resources that are tailored to your niche. You could include items like eBooks, guides, templates, and checklists.
  • Regularly update your exclusive library with new content to keep your members engaged.
  • Ensure that your digital resources are practical and can be applied to help members in reaching their goals and improving their lives.

Podcasts can also be included in your membership, giving members access using a paid membership. This is a great way to monetize your podcast. 

3. Monthly Webinars or Q&A Sessions

If you've established yourself as a "go to" resource in your niche, your audience will love getting their questions answered and having access to you through monthly webinars. 

  • Host monthly live webinars or Q&A sessions where members can interact directly with you.
  • Discuss relevant topics, answer questions, and provide insights.
  • Record these sessions and make them available for members who couldn't attend live.

4. Exclusive Software or Tools

If you're a developer for a special app or software tool that helps your audience accomplish their goals.  

  • Develop and provide exclusive software or tools that align with your niche.
  • These could be productivity tools, design software, or any tool that enhances the members' capabilities.
  • Offer regular updates and improvements to keep the tools valuable over time.

5. Private Community Access

Creating a discussion group or community access to exclusive content about a popular topic, product or service gives your audience a place to network, and a place to provide and receive support. 

Creating a community for product support provides a place for customers to ask questions, allowing you to handle objections and skepticism and helps others see that there are people like them who use and have success with your products. 

  • Create a private online community (e.g., forum, Slack channel) exclusively for members.
  • Facilitate discussions, networking, and collaboration among members.
  • Provide additional resources, tips, and industry insights within the community.

6. Early Access to New Products

Make your members feel truly appreciated with member only benefits like a birthday and anniversary celebration, challenges and early bird access to new products. 

  • Offer members early access to any new digital products you create.
  • This could include beta versions of software, pre-releases of eBooks, or exclusive previews of upcoming courses.
  • Members feel valued when they get a sneak peek before the general public.

Wrapping It Up

Remember to continually evaluate the needs and preferences of your members (with polls, quizzes and surveys) and adapt your digital product offerings accordingly.

Providing a variety of valuable and exclusive content will help retain and attract members to your program.

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The Author: Marvelyn

Marvelyn Brown is the founder of Making It Remotely. a blogger and digital marketer focused on online sales and marketing, digital products, crafting and web design. When she's not working, you'll find her working on hobbies and crafts, having fun and relaxing with family and hanging out with friends.

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